Pain, fatigue, decreased mobility, and skin irritation are just some of the symptoms that could hamper your lifestyle. But there are wellness approaches that can help you effectively manage and cope with this chronic disease. Here is some important information to help you live your best life with psoriatic arthritis.

Diet for Psoriatic Arthritis 

Though there’s no scientific evidence to definitively prove that dietary changes can have a major impact on psoriatic arthritis, some people report improvements in their symptoms when they change their eating habits. Many experts recommend an “anti-inflammatory” or Mediterranean diet. These plans emphasize foods that lower inflammation in the body, including:

Cold-water fish, such as salmon, mackerel, albacore tuna, herring, and lake troutHealthy oils, with minimal processing and low amounts of saturated fat content, such as olive oil or avocado oilNuts and seeds, such as walnuts, pumpkin seeds, or flaxseedsFresh veggies, such as carrots, broccoli, kale, spinach, and sweet potatoesFresh fruits, such as berries, mangoes, and cherries

Foods that trigger flares should be avoided. Keeping a daily food journal can help you identify the culprits. Some people say foods that are acidic or contain gluten can prompt a flare-up. Experts recommend especially avoiding the following:

Fatty red meatsProcessed foodsRefined sugars or carbohydratesHigh-fat dairy productsSodaAlcoholCaffeineSaturated and trans fatsMonosodium glutamate (MSG)Aspartame

Smoking can cause worsened symptoms, so steer clear of cigarettes.

Exercising With Psoriatic Arthritis

Exercise can help strengthen muscles, keep your joints flexible, and lessen your pain. It can also improve your overall health and lower your risk of developing other conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease. You can try any activity that you enjoy and isn’t too hard on your joints. Some good options for people with psoriatic arthritis include:

WalkingCyclingYoga or tai chiSwimming or water aerobics

While moving often can improve your symptoms, make sure you don’t overdo it. Avoid activities that are painful or put too much pressure on your joints. If you get tired easily, divide your exercise time into shorter segments. For example, you might want to start with just 10 minutes a day and work your way up to 30 minutes or more. Daily stretching may also help keep your muscles and joints loose. Talk to your doctor before starting an exercise program. Your provider might be able to recommend specific activities that will benefit you.

Psoriatic Arthritis and Weight Loss

Research shows that being overweight or obese makes it more difficult to control psoriatic arthritis symptoms. The excess pounds can weigh down your joints, causing them to work harder, which could lead to extra damage. One study found obese people with psoriatic arthritis were 48 percent less likely than normal-weight participants to reach a point of “minimal disease activity” after a year. Experts believe fat cells in the body may release inflammation-causing proteins that worsen symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. Carrying around too much weight can also affect how well your medication works. According to the Arthritis Foundation, in one study, the heavier the participants were, the less likely they were to respond to biologic or disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs). The good news is that losing weight can significantly benefit people with psoriatic arthritis. A study reported that weight loss, along with treatment, improved disease outcomes for psoriatic arthritis patients more than treatment alone.

Managing Your Prescriptions for Psoriatic Arthritis

If you have psoriatic arthritis, you might take an oral, topical, or injectable medicine, or a combination of these. To help you remember when to take your medications, try setting a daily alarm on your phone, or download a prescription reminder app. It’s important that you take your medications regularly and follow the instructions your doctor gives you. Be sure to have all your prescriptions refilled before you run out. Also, learn about all the side effects and interactions of each medicine. For example, some nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can increase your risk of stomach irritation and bleeding. And drugs that alter your immune system can raise your chances of contracting a serious infection.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Psoriatic Arthritis 

Some people with psoriatic arthritis find relief by trying complementary and alternative therapies. It’s important to talk to your doctor about the benefits and risks of these treatments before starting on one. Common alternative approaches for psoriatic arthritis include:

Acupuncture A large study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine showed that patients with chronic pain reported less discomfort after having acupuncture.Massage A massage can loosen tight muscles and help you feel better overall. Some people report less pain and stiffness after having a massage.Herbs and supplements Popular herbs or supplements used to help psoriatic arthritis symptoms include apple cider vinegar applied to the scalp; aloe vera creams; topical capsaicin; Dead Sea or Epsom salt baths; and supplements of curcumin (the active ingredient in turmeric), fish oil, vitamin D, ginger, probiotics, or L-carnitine.Aromatherapy Some people say aromatherapy, which involves breathing in or applying essential oils to your skin, can help boost your mood and reduce stress, which may lessen psoriatic arthritis symptoms. A few oils to try: chamomile, lavender, rose, and tea tree.Meditation techniques There’s some evidence that practicing mindfulness exercises can relieve stress.Hot and cold therapy Heating pads may help loosen joints and relax muscles, and cold packs can reduce swelling and pain. You can alternate between hot and cold therapy to help ease symptoms.Splinting Your doctor may recommend splinting your joints to help align them or keep them stable. This can ease inflammation.

Home Accessibility and Psoriatic Arthritis 

Psoriatic arthritis may affect what you’re able to do at home. Many assistive devices are available to help you modify your living space. Doorknob adapters fit over standard round knobs and allow you to push the lever up or down to easily open a door. Key turners attach onto the heads of household keys to make turning them easier. You can even order devices to help you pop open stubborn jars and pill bottles, so you don’t put too much pressure on your joints. Ergonomic chairs and footrests can improve your posture and lessen pain. If you have a hard time getting around, grab bars or ramps are a good option. Reacher tools can help you retrieve items that are stored high or low. In the bathroom, toilet seat risers are simple adaptive products that can make sitting and standing easier. Swivel bath stools in the shower can come in handy if your joints are achy and you can’t stand for long periods of time.

Mobility Aids for Psoriatic Arthritis

Some people with psoriatic arthritis require the use of a cane, walker, scooter, or wheelchair to improve their mobility. These aids can take the pressure off your joints while allowing you to be more active and independent. Canes are most useful when the pain is on one side of the body. When choosing a cane, pick one with an adjustable height that has a soft hand cushion. Walkers, wheelchairs, and scooters come in all different sizes and weights, so you might want to try out the device before purchasing it. Talk to your doctor about which mobility aid is right for your situation.

Traveling With Psoriatic Arthritis 

Traveling with psoriatic arthritis can present challenges, but coming up with an action plan can help you venture to other places with ease. Here are some tips:

Use lightweight, rolling luggage. This will make carting around your suitcase easier.Take advantage of the airport valet. Members of the valet team can help you with your baggage, so you don’t have to lug items around.Safeguard your meds. Carry your medicines on the plane to avoid damaging them or exposing them to high temperatures. Remember, some of your treatments may need to be put in a cooler. If this is the case, be sure your hotel room has a refrigerator.Talk to your doc before you leave. Ask your doctor any pertinent questions, and have your provider fill prescriptions that you’ll need during your trip. If you need a physician’s note to carry a certain medicine on the plane, request that, too.Pack wisely. Don’t forget to include any items that you might need if you have a flare, such as heat pads or creams. Pack lightweight, breathable clothing if possible.Keep moving. If you’re traveling by car or on a long flight, stand up often and stretch your legs and body. This will prevent your joints from becoming stiff.

If you’d like to do your own research, Castle Connolly’s Top Doctor listings let you search for leading physicians in your area who were selected after peer nomination, extensive research, and careful screening. Rheumatologist A rheumatologist is a physician who specializes in treating diseases of the joints, muscles, and bones. This expert can recommend treatments to help you manage your swelling and pain. Dermatologist A dermatologist focuses on conditions that affect the skin, hair, and nails. Some centers offer patients the convenience of having dermatologists and rheumatologists in the same clinic. Mental health expert People with psoriatic arthritis commonly suffer from depression and anxiety. A mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist, can help you with these symptoms. Physical or occupational therapist A physical or occupational therapist can teach you stretches or other exercises that will help you perform daily tasks. Internist In addition to seeing specialists, you’ll still need to maintain a relationship with your primary care doctor or an internist. Psoriatic arthritis can put you at risk for developing other serious medical issues, and a primary care provider can keep tabs on your overall health.

Managing Depression and Psoriatic Arthritis

Research shows people with psoriatic arthritis have a higher chance of developing depression than the general population. In a study that examined 306 people with psoriatic arthritis and 135 people with psoriasis (but not psoriatic arthritis), researchers found rates of depression and anxiety were significantly higher in those with psoriatic arthritis than in participants with psoriasis alone. Scientists believe that the processes that trigger inflammation in psoriatic arthritis may also impact the brain and lead to depression. Factors like stress, fatigue, and poor sleeping habits, which are common in people with psoriatic arthritis, might also contribute to depressive symptoms. Getting proper treatment for the disease could lower the inflammation in your body and help with depression. It’s a good idea to talk to a mental health professional if you think you might be depressed. This expert may recommend antidepressant medicines or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a type of talk therapy. Sometimes, joining a support group can help you manage your emotions. Also, exercising, getting enough sleep each night, and performing stress-reducing activities might boost your mood.

Managing Anxiety and Psoriatic Arthritis

Living with a chronic illness, like psoriatic arthritis, can make you anxious. Unpredictable flares coupled with debilitating symptoms can trigger worry and uneasiness. In the Journal of Rheumatology study, about 36 percent of people who had psoriatic arthritis also had clinically significant anxiety. If you suffer from anxiety, take care of yourself by getting enough sleep, exercising, and eating healthy. A mental health professional can recommend any needed treatments, such as medication or cognitive behavioral therapy.

Your Friendships and Psoriatic Arthritis 

Maintaining friendships may be challenging if you have psoriatic arthritis. Your friends might not understand your condition or why you may have to limit your activities. Communication with your pals can make a big difference. Explain the disease in simple terms and tell your friends why it may interfere with your ability to get together often. You might say something like: “I have psoriatic arthritis, which is an autoimmune disease where my body attacks my joints. It causes pain and makes me tired often.”

Your Romantic Relationships and Psoriatic Arthritis 

Nearly one-third of people with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis say that their condition affects their love life, according to the National Psoriasis Foundation. While the physical and emotional demands of the disease may be an added strain on your romantic relationships, you can still create a strong bond with your partner. Be open and honest with your loved one, and practice positive “self-talk.”

Family Planning With Psoriatic Arthritis 

If you have psoriatic arthritis and want to start a family, you probably have a lot of questions and concerns. The first step is to see a doctor who can evaluate your condition and provide you with information about the risks and benefits of having children with this chronic disease. Women with psoriatic arthritis who become pregnant may have to stop taking some of their medicines and might experience worse symptoms. Be sure to speak with your rheumatologist about pregnancy planning at least six months before trying to start a family.

Dating With Psoriatic Arthritis

Starting a relationship with someone can be stressful, especially if you have psoriatic arthritis. You may be self-conscious about any visible skin problems, or you might be cautious about sharing your struggles with pain. There’s no perfect time to tell someone you’re dating that you have this disease, so do so when you feel comfortable. Remember, if someone truly cares for you, sharing this information shouldn’t change how they feel.

Sex Life With Psoriatic Arthritis 

Some people with psoriatic arthritis struggle to find the energy or self-confidence to have sex with their partner. But the act of sex can actually make you feel better. If you have psoriasis lesions near your groin area, sex might be painful. Talk to your doctor about ways to alleviate the discomfort. Some common treatments for psoriatic arthritis include:

NSAIDS, such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)DMARDs, such as methotrexate (Trexall), sulfasalazine (Azulfidine), leflunomide (Arava), and apremilast (Otezla)TNF-alpha inhibitors, such as etanercept (Enbrel), infliximab (Remicade), adalimumab (Humira), golimumab (Simponi), and certolizumab (Cimzia)Newer biologic medicines, such as secukinumab (Cosentyx), abatacept (Orencia), ixekizumab (Taltz), and ustekinumab (Stelara)Immunosuppressants, such as cyclosporine (Gengraf, Neoral, Sandimmune) and azathioprine (Imuran, Azasan)SteroidsJanus kinase inhibitors, such as tofacitinib (Xeljanz) and upadacitinib (Rinvoq)

If skin issues are a concern, you might use topical treatments, such as creams, lotions, shampoos, gels, sprays, or ointments. Light therapy, also called phototherapy, is another treatment that could help your condition. It involves exposing the skin to controlled amounts of ultraviolet light. In rare cases, if a lot of joint damage occurs, surgery might be a treatment option for some people with psoriatic arthritis.

Medication Prices for Psoriatic Arthritis 

Treatments for psoriatic arthritis can be costly, even if you have health insurance. Research from October 2021 estimated annual out-of-pocket costs ranged from about $4,500 to as much as $70,000. Experts suggest asking your doctor for generic versions of medication when possible, requesting samples of drugs, and shopping around for the best prescription prices. The National Psoriasis Foundation has a Financial Assistance Resource Center that provides information on how to obtain financial aid.

Managing Your Work Life With Psoriatic Arthritis 

Working with a chronic, unpredictable disease like psoriatic arthritis can be challenging. According to a study, 35 percent of patients with psoriatic arthritis felt that their disease limited their productivity at work, and 14 percent reported that their condition led them to work fewer hours than they desired. To create an optimal working environment:

Tell your boss and coworkers about your condition.Take breaks when you need them.Set up an ergonomic office with comfortable seating and desk placement.Ask for any workplace modifications you might need, such as a chair cushion or other device that can make you more comfortable.Stretch frequently during the day to prevent joint stiffness.

Can You Apply for Disability if You Have Psoriatic Arthritis?

You can apply for Social Security disability benefits if psoriatic arthritis affects your ability to work. The National Psoriasis Foundation offers resources for applying for disability and preparing your case.

David Jacobson: Psoriatic Arthritis Patient and College Athlete

Jacobson didn’t let psoriatic arthritis get in the way of his collegiate athletic aspirations. Today he’s a professional speaker. Read about his inspiring story.

Julie Cerrone: Psoriatic Arthritis Patient and Blog Writer

Cerrone has been living with the aches and pains of psoriatic arthritis since elementary school. Her story and quest to help others with chronic diseases will encourage you.

Brenda Kong: Psoriatic Arthritis Patient and Caregiver

Kong has psoriatic arthritis but also cares for her brother who’s battling cancer. Learn about how she juggles caring for someone else while also maintaining her own personal health. Some people participate in clinical trials to try a treatment that they can’t receive otherwise. Or people join a trial to promote medical discoveries and benefit the future of care.

How to Find a Clinical Trial

The National Institutes of Health’s database,, lets you search for trials being conducted on different diseases, including psoriatic arthritis. The National Psoriasis Foundation also offers a Clinical Trials resource resource page that provides information about various studies. The Arthritis Foundation has a similar resource.

What to Consider Before Joining a Clinical Trial

Participating in a clinical trial might give you the opportunity to receive a new treatment for your condition. Sometimes, the care you receive is free of charge. But there could be downsides. Certain therapies may be experimental and untested, which means they could pose risks or side effects. Also, some trials require patients to take a placebo that offers no clinical benefit. Talk to your doctor about the pros and cons of joining a study.

News and Research on Psoriatic Arthritis

Some organizations that provide credible news and information about psoriatic arthritis research include:

National Psoriasis FoundationArthritis Foundation The Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Alliance (PAPAA) American College of RheumatologyAmerican Academy of Dermatology

Awareness Month

May is designated as Psoriatic Arthritis Action Month. Organizations and advocates promote campaigns and programs to raise awareness about the disease. Don’t forget to check out Everyday Health’s tech roundup for new and upcoming gadgets and apps for people living with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis.