You probably have many questions about your diagnosis, including how you caught the virus and what steps you should take next. Here are answers to some common questions about hepatitis C that can help you get proper treatment.

1. How did I get hepatitis C?

The virus is spread through contact with an infected person’s blood. People who are part of the baby boomer generation may have been exposed from receiving a blood transfusion before 1992, when widespread screening virtually eliminated the virus from the U.S. blood supply. Although baby boomers used to make up the majority of hepatitis C cases, the demographics are shifting. Millennials (born between 1981 and 1996) now make up about 37 percent of new hepatitis C infections, while baby boomers (born between 1945 and 1965) make up 36 percent, followed by generation X (born between 1966 and 1980), with 23 percent, according to the CDC. It’s also possible to contract hepatitis C during a needlestick injury in a healthcare setting or by sharing needles with other people — for example, during intravenous drug use or by getting an unregulated tattoo. Increases in injection drug use has contributed to the greater number of hepatitis C cases in younger people, according to the CDC. If you learn that you have hepatitis C, keep in mind that the virus can be treated and cured with medication.

2. How does hepatitis C affect my liver?

Over time, hepatitis C can damage the liver and cause inflammation as well as cirrhosis (permanent scarring of the liver) or liver cancer, according to the CDC. The catch is that you may not notice the virus’s effects until years or decades after you contracted it. “The liver is an uncomplaining organ,” explains Thelma King Thiel, RN, founder and chair of the Liver Health Initiative in Silver Spring, Maryland.

3. What do my test results mean?

There are two blood tests that are used to detect hepatitis C. The first tests for hepatitis C antibodies, or signs that your body fought or is fighting an infection. The results will tell your doctor whether you’ve ever had the virus. If the antibody test is positive, you’ll receive a second test, which can detect the amount of virus, or “viral load,” in your blood. Your doctor may then conduct a third blood test to determine which type (genotype) you have, to allow for more targeted hepatitis C treatment.

4. How do I know if my infection is acute or chronic?

An acute infection occurs within six months of exposure to the virus. Unless you happen to get tested during that period, you may not know that you have it. Signs include a fever, fatigue, and nausea, but about 70 to 80 percent of people with hepatitis C don’t experience symptoms, according to the CDC. Some people have the ability to fight off the virus on their own, but most do not. About 75 to 85 percent of people with the infection will eventually develop chronic hepatitis C, which might not cause symptoms for decades. If your test results show that you have chronic hepatitis C, your doctor may recommend treatment.

5. Is my hepatitis C curable?

With the help of certain medications, most people can rid their bodies of hepatitis C. “Many new treatment options are becoming available that should allow almost every patient to be treated successfully,” says David Nelson, MD, president of University of Florida Health in Gainesville. Nelson is also a principal investigator for the national HCV-TARGET research program tracking hepatitis C treatments and outcomes. “This will lead to healing of the liver and marked improvement of quality of life.” Keep in mind that people don’t develop immunity to the virus. If you don’t take the right precautions, it’s possible to contract hepatitis C again.

6. Which tests can help determine if my liver is healthy?

If you have hepatitis C, you may need a liver enzyme test or an ultrasound. Determining whether you have cirrhosis is the most important initial assessment and helps frame all other discussions, says Dr. Nelson. “Those with more advanced liver disease often need an endoscopy and liver cancer screening.”

7. What lifestyle changes should I make to help keep my liver healthy?

Besides treating your hepatitis C with prescribed medications, you should exercise, lose weight (if necessary), reduce your consumption of alcohol, and refrain from using marijuana, says Nelson. You should also get the hepatitis A and B vaccines. The American Liver Foundation recommends that people with hepatitis C limit salt in their diet and avoid foods that are high in iron, such as spinach and red meat. And there’s good news for coffee lovers: A study published in August 2017 in the Journal of Hepatology found that drinking coffee or herbal tea may help protect the liver from scarring, so you can include a few cups of joe in your diet.

8. How can I make sure that I don’t pass the infection to someone else?

Hepatitis C is passed from one person to another through direct blood contact. “Avoid high-risk behaviors such as intravenous drug use, unprotected sex outside of a monogamous relationship, and sharing razor blades or toothbrushes,” Nelson says. That being said, you don’t need to isolate yourself. “You can’t spread this virus by hugging or kissing kids, family, and friends,” he adds. “It’s okay to carry on a normal life.”

9. Should I have other specialists on my treatment team?

If you have an addiction — for example, to alcohol, cigarettes, or illicit drugs — you may benefit from working with an addiction specialist who can help you kick the habit. A hepatologist can treat the virus itself, a mental health professional can help you cope with anxiety or depression, and a registered dietitian can help you create a customized, healthy diet.

10. Where can I find more support?

Ask your doctor whether a local clinic or other nearby organization operates a support group. You can also look online to find a group near you or join a virtual group. Start your investigation with the Hepatitis C Association or the Hepatitis Foundation International. Additional reporting by Joseph Bennington-Castro