When the hepatitis C virus enters the body, it enters the cells of the liver and can cause damage. This leads to inflammation, as the body tries to repair the damage and get rid of the virus, says Donald Jensen, MD, a professor of medicine at Rush University in Chicago. “Over the years, this inflammation causes scar tissue to form, just like if you have a cut on your skin and end up with a scar." And that buildup of scar tissue in the liver can eventually lead to severe cirrhosis and potentially even liver cancer. But by adhering to these healthy-liver strategies, you may be able to live longer — and better — with hepatitis C.

Must-Follow Steps to Care for Your Liver

The most important step you can take to keep your liver healthy is to follow your hepatitis C treatment plan. Treating chronic hepatitis C with a combination drug therapy that slows or stops damage to the liver can dramatically reduce the risk for hepatitis C-related complications. Here are eight additional steps you should take to keep your liver healthy:

1. Avoid alcohol.

Alcohol is toxic to the liver, and drinking alcohol is associated with a faster progression of liver disease, says Marc Ghany, MD, MHSc, a staff physician in the liver diseases branch at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases at the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Ghany tells his patients that no amount of alcohol is safe. “We don’t actually know how much alcohol is harmful, and because of that, the best recommendation is to not drink any,” Ghany says.

2. Minimize acetaminophen use.

Dr. Jensen recommends limiting the use of pain medications containing acetaminophen to less than 2,000 milligrams a day. Taking too much acetaminophen can cause liver damage even for people without hepatitis C, according to the Food and Drug Administration. And if your liver is already harmed from other causes, the threshold for damage is lower, Jensen explains.

3. Discuss all your medications or supplements with your doctor.

Some drugs are metabolized by the liver and may cause further harm, especially when your liver is already damaged. Even supplements marketed as “natural” can interfere with liver function and cause severe side effects. Your best bet: Be honest with your doctor about any medications or supplements you are taking or thinking of taking.

4. Maintain a healthy weight through diet and exercise.

Being overweight can cause fat to build up in the liver and contribute to insulin resistance and liver damage from fibrosis, or scarring of the liver. Work toward a healthy weight by exercising regularly, eating nutrient-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and controlling your calorie intake.

5. Don’t give up coffee.

“Patients who drank three or more cups of coffee per day had a 50 percent lower risk of disease progression,” Ghany says, citing his study published in 2009 in the journal Hepatology. Although it’s too soon to recommend that non-coffee drinkers start drinking coffee for their liver’s sake, he says it won’t hurt to keep drinking it if it’s already a habit.

6. Get vaccinated.

Hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C are all common causes of liver disease — and having any combination of these viruses at the same time significantly increases your risk of liver damage. Make an appointment to get tested for hepatitis A and B, and get vaccinated against them to protect your liver.

7. Talk about sex.

Ghany says that risk of hepatitis C transmission through sex is extremely low, so people in a monogamous relationship with chronic hepatitis C can have normal sex lives and decide whether to use barrier protection. For people who have sex with multiple partners, using barrier protection is recommended to help protect others from hepatitis C and protect themselves against sexually transmitted infections like HIV, which can accelerate liver damage.

8. Schedule regular checkups.

For chronic hepatitis C, you’ll likely see your doctor every three to six months, depending on the severity of your illness and the type of treatment you’re getting. Don’t skip these appointments — they’re opportunities to evaluate your condition and monitor your overall health.