The stats on the sport speak for themselves: The number of pickleball players across the United States has grown more than 11 percent annually in each of the past five years, according to USA Pickleball, the U.S. national governing body for the sport of competitive pickleball. Approximately 4.8 million Americans play pickleball, with the sport attracting people of all ages, from kids to older adults, per the professional organization. Pickleball is now considered America’s fastest growing sport, according to a 2022 report from the Sports and Fitness Industry Association. “When beginners first play, they tell me that pickleball feels like playing Ping-Pong standing on the table,” says Ernie Medina Jr., DrPH, an American College of Sports Medicine–certified clinical exercise physiologist and a USA Pickleball Ambassador based in Loma Linda, California. Though the sport’s popularity may seem like it’s reaching a fever pitch now, it’s been around since 1965, when three dads invented the game to occupy their kids. (The “pickle” in pickleball may have come from one of the families’ dogs, according to USA Pickleball.) The game is fun to play — and it’s a real workout, too. Pickleball is considered aerobic exercise that incorporates movement by your entire body as you run around the court and rotate your trunk and upper body to hit the ball, says Nicholas Greiner, DO, a sports medicine doctor at Mercy Clinic in Ballwin, Missouri. Pickleball works muscles from all over your body, including your lower body (legs and butt) as you run across the court, your hips and core (as you rotate your torso), and your upper body (to hit the ball), says Dr. Medina. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that adults get 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week, and pickleball play can fit into those parameters. Additionally, the CDC recommends performing two or more days of muscle-strengthening activities per week, such as lifting weights or using resistance bands. Therefore, pickleball can certainly count toward your weekly exercise goal — but for optimal fitness, it shouldn’t be the only type of workout you’re doing . Evidence (and the sport’s widespread popularity) suggests that pickleball is indeed a type of activity that keeps people coming back. Compared with walking for 30 minutes, people say they that enjoy pickleball 150 percent more, according to a study published in September 2022 in Science and Sports. Some potential health advantages that research has linked to the sport include:

Better Cardiorespiratory Fitness

Because pickleball is an aerobic exercise, it improves the health of your heart and lungs. A small study from the American Council on Exercise found that VO2 max (a measure of cardiovascular fitness and endurance) improved by about 12 percent among a group of middle-aged and older adults (40 to 85 years old) after they began playing pickleball one hour per session, three times per week for six weeks, and they also experienced a decrease of 5 points in their systolic blood pressure and 3 points in their diastolic blood pressure. The previously mentioned Science and Sports study concluded that playing doubles pickleball elicits greater physical activity demands (in terms of average heart rate, peak heart rate, caloric expenditure, and perceived exertion) than walking.

Increased Activity Levels for Older Adults

Staying active as you get older is linked with improved mobility, physical functioning, and mortality. And pickleball is a sport that’s suited for all ages, including older adults, since you can control the intensity of play, the smaller court means less distance needed to run, and most of the strokes are underhand or lateral, which means less strain on shoulders, says Dr. Greiner. And older adults like it. One study found that pickleball participants reported feeling like the sport offers an aging-friendly way to remain competitive, something that they felt had been missing since their younger years.

Improved Mental Health

One of the cornerstone benefits of pickleball is that it’s an opportunity for socialization. And socializing helps counteract loneliness, something that puts people at a higher risk of dementia, heart disease, stroke, and depression, according to the CDC. One study found that “serious leisure” activities, defined by qualities such as perseverance, effort, and social benefits (and of which pickleball is considered one), are associated with a lower likelihood of depression. Other research suggests that taking up the sport of pickleball can help older adults make a smoother transition into retirement, which is a major life change. And of course, whether or not the sport is good for weight loss really depends on the effort you’re putting into it, says Frisco, Texas–based sports dietitian Amy Goodson, RD, CSSD. For many people, pickleball is a social opportunity to hang out with friends, and that is certainly a valid reason for wanting to play. If weight loss is your goal, however, you likely have to put forth more of an intense effort on the court, she says. You may need to increase your play, too. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services points out that people who are trying to lose more than 5 percent of their body weight or maintain a significant amount of weight loss may need to do more than 300 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week. “That’s a lot of pickleball,” says Goodson. Ready to get into pickleball? Here’s what you need to know before you go:

Find a Pickleball Club or Group

You can look at the schedule at your local community center or rec center, or type your location information into USA Pickleball’s Places 2 Play tool. Because of the social, inclusive nature of the sport, you can easily join a group and meet new people in the process, says Medina.

Wear Appropriate Footwear

Greiner recommends court shoes or cross-trainers, which are designed for the lateral movements you’ll make on the court. (Running shoes are designed for forward movements.)

Wear Comfortable Clothing That You Can Move In

Tennis-like outfits (sports dresses and skirts, shorts and tanks, or athletic pants or shirts) will work, though Yarbrough says she has also seen people wear jeans for a light, social game.

Consider Purchasing a Paddle

Many rec centers will have paddles on hand to use, but if you’d like to have your own, you can purchase a pickleball paddle set (two paddles) for around $40 from major sports gear suppliers.

Protect Your Eyes

Medina recommends wearing eye protection to shield your eyes from any wayward balls. Go for racquetball goggles, available from major sports gear suppliers for about $10 to $40.

Talk to Your Doctor First, if You Have a Health Condition

If you have an underlying health condition, such as a heart condition, arthritis, back problems, or any other illness, injury, or issue that may interfere with your ability to safely exercise, talk to your doctor before starting pickleball. Underlying health issues do not necessarily mean you shouldn’t play pickleball, Greiner says, but you will want to be clear on any precautions you need to take. “There are very few conditions where you can’t play pickleball,” he says.

Warm Up Before You Play

Warming up the body for exercise is important for all workouts. A short, brisk walk or light jogging and gentle back-and-forth vollying with a pickleball partner can help your body prepare for the activity ahead, Greiner explains. Also, do a few dynamic stretches, such as marching with your knees up, and follow up the pickleball game with static stretching (such as reaching for your toes, holding your knees to your chest, or holding your heel to your butt for a quad stretch), advises Medina.

Start Gradually

Like any other sport, it’s recommended that you slowly build up your activity, in order to avoid injury, says Greiner. For instance, start with 60 minutes of casual play, rather than a weekend tournament.

Avoid These Common Pickleball Injuries

Lower leg muscle strains (such as in quads and calves) as well as back strains from trunk rotation during play are common pickleball injuries, Greiner notes. Also, be aware that it’s possible to stumble and fall while running on the court or turning to pivot, which can cause ankle or knee sprains, as well as knee tendon or ligament injuries. Mild strains can be treated with RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation), as well as pain-relievers, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. If an injury persists, is accompanied by swelling, or alters your regular movements, get checked out by a doctor.

Play singles. Doubles play is great for beginners because you have less court to cover, but if you’d like to turn pickleball into more of an aerobic activity, play singles, says Yarbrough. “You have the entire court to cover when you play singles, which involves a lot more running,” she says.Play longer. Dislike singles or just like the camaraderie of doubles more? Simply play an extra game or two, recommends Yarbrough.Connect with a certified coach. If you’d like to improve your fundamentals or learn game strategy, Yarbrough recommends taking lessons from a certified pickleball instructor. There are several certifying bodies, such as the Professional Pickleball Registry, but make sure you check a coach’s credentials first. If you’re a beginner, an introductory or group class can also help you build confidence.Check out YouTube. There are many, many videos online that you can watch to help you learn the basics of the game, such as how to score. That way you can spend your time on the court playing, says Yarbrough.

Focus on eating a meal or snack every few hours and getting a balanced diet with carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats. And here are a few additional tips to keep in mind when considering food and hydration choices before, during, and after playing pickleball.


If it’s been a few hours since you last ate and you are planning to play for an hour or more, Goodson recommends grabbing a carbohydrate-protein snack for energy. Ideas include a hard-boiled egg and a piece of fruit, a protein bar, or a granola bar and string cheese.


Normally, you do not need to refuel during pickleball, unless you’ll be playing in an all-day tournament. In that case, eat a snack at the break in between games — one that includes both carbohydrates and protein — or refuel quickly by taking sips of a sports drink, she recommends. Hydration is important, especially if you’re outside. Water is usually sufficient, but if you’re playing for long periods of time in a hot and/or humid environment, Goodson recommends adding an electrolyte supplement to some water and drinking that. Aim for 5 to 10 ounces of fluid every 20 minutes when you’re moving consistently, as well as 5 to 10 ounces of fluid between each game, she says.


Eat your normally planned meal afterward, or grab a snack with protein, such as low-fat chocolate milk, a smoothie, or a bar, advises Goodson. Your post-pickleball nutrition depends on how intensely you were playing and the timing of your next meal. If pickleball was more social than exercise today, you might not need to eat anything, if you’re not hungry.