If you really pressed the pan, or worse, the oven rack, you may have a second-degree burn, the kind that extends into the dermis, or bottom layer of skin. Along with turning skin red, it raises blisters. Next, be sure to wash the burned area with mild soap and water. Then cover it with sterile gauze. The burn effect doesn’t stop right away; it actually progresses for another 24 to 48 hours, in an evolution of redness, possible blisters, and peeling. Only after it has cooled is it OK to apply an antibacterial ointment or herbal salve, such as the time-tested Aloe vera recipe below. Don’t slather on the butter! That’s an old wives’ tale and an anti-remedy. Butter retains heat and may be contaminated with bacteria. The first week in February is Burn Awareness Week sponsored by the American Burn Association. Community educators reach out to raise awareness for prevention and treatment of these minor burns and worse, those occurring from ultraviolet light, hot liquids, fire, electricity, and chemicals. A third-degree burn is drastic. Called a full-thickness burn, it destroys skin and reaches underlying tissues. Nerves are damaged, causing numbness. Skin may be white or charred. Immediately call 911. For less serious burns, once the burn has cooled, try the aloe remedy below. It’s survived the test of time, when other ancient cures for burns, including cow dung, beeswax, bear fat, eggs, and lard, landed in the anti-remedy bin. Like butter, those retained heat or were contaminated with bacteria. Aloe vera gel inhibits pain-producing substances. It is anti-inflammatory, promotes circulation, and inhibits bacteria and fungi. Studies show  that it speeds healing of burns and wounds, and helps the survival of tissue after frostbite. It’s even more effective when paired with lavender essential oil, also anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, antibacterial, and antifungal.  You’ll find both at your local health food store. Make sure the aloe product is at least 90 percent aloe gel—only the gel inside the leaf is included. Along with aloe, another winning ancient remedy in our book 500 Time-Tested Home Remedies is spreading a minor burn with honey. Stay well and safe, The Remedy Chicks