Living With MS: Judy Delgrolice One morning, I was in the bathroom washing my hands, when I felt cold water dripping on the right side of my head. Believing the roof was perhaps leaking, I searched for signs of a possible source. I became increasingly anxious as the dripping continued but I was still unable to determine where it came from. When I realized that there wasn’t a leak and my head wasn’t wet, I knew there was something terribly wrong and had my client take me to the ER. It was determined that I was experiencing a panic attack. The diagnosis was acute anxiety disorder. As the episodes increased and with no help in sight I was forced to shut down my training studio. I was a single parent of two young girls, alone and afraid I was losing my mind. I chose to return to the East Coast where at least I had my family. ‘Afraid I was Losing my Mind’ Over the next ten years, each time I went to a doctor, I was prescribed anti-anxiety medications, which more often than not remained untouched. No one knew I had multiple sclerosis. I began working at the Westport YMCA in Connecticut and trained members including special needs children. I continued my education and took a course to help people with hypertension, diabetes and MS develop exercise routines. I decided relocated to Las Vegas and became certified through NASM. The next morning my sight had returned, but it was very blurry. I was still able to carefully drive myself to the ER where an MRI was done. I was told I had Cerebral Arteriosclerosis. I went for a second opinion and I was the diagnosed with MS. At 47 years old, in 2000, I finally got the answer that had eluded me all these years. MS: The Shock of DiagnosisAfter the initial shock, I asked myself what to do? So, I went to Gold’s Gym in Vegas and hired a former Mr. Las Vegas to help me train so that I can experience a competition at least once in my life. Although it was an amateur show, the thrill and the discipline was what I needed in order to forget about the MS. After the show, I went back to Connecticut thinking I needed to be close to my family yet again. The diagnosis was dismal, and I was advised to live my life as though it was the last day! And so I did. Now, I train almost everyday, to forget! Hopefully someday it will forget me. I currently train others with MS teaching the importance of exercise and nutrition and inspiring them with my hardcore dedication. Working out hard has kept me focused and thinking positive and I don’t see myself quitting anytime soon. After all, I am only 60!