Not so fast. Some people believe that you actually can tap into your subconscious through the power of hypnosis. Hypnosis is a deep, dreamlike state in which you can hear and respond, and you may be more open to questions and suggestions. It has long been used as a way to conquer addictions, including alcohol abuse, overeating, and nail biting. While there is some controversy about hypnosis being more theatrical than legitimate, it is used in clinical practice to treat things like chronic pain, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), according to a review study published in April 2017 in the journal Neuroscience of Consciousness. “My goal is to teach people how they can access the power of their subconscious,” says Friedmutter, who divides her time between Nevada and California. “These principles can enable anyone to tap into and draw on the strength of their subconscious so they can stop being passive participants in life.” The book includes dozens of short exercises you can do on your own, all based on six principles that Friedmutter developed over the course of her training. We sat down with Friedmutter to get a closer look at the principles that guide her practice — and picked up some great “hypnotic hacks” along the way.

Principle One: Come Into Accountability

“Notice how you speak, act, and relate to others,” says Friedmutter. “This will help you get clear on who you are, and where you are.” Friedmutter often starts by asking clients what they perceive to be their biggest problem, and she encourages you to ask yourself the same thing. From there, she offers a series of questions that can help get to the root of a person’s issues: “Do you fear you won’t fit in?” “Are you unsure whether people are being honest with you?” “Are you a people pleaser?” Once you’ve answered these questions, Friedmutter offers an exercise based on neurolinguistic training to help rid yourself of negative self-talk. For example, instead of using phrases like, “I was blindsided,” “Just my luck,” or “I’m a hot mess,” she recommends saying something like, “I was surprised,” “That is so interesting,” or “It’s a challenge to overcome.” The idea is to bring forth awareness about the power of our words.

Principle Two: Tap Into Your Subconscious Power

“The subconscious is the most powerful part of the mind,” says Friedmutter. That power comes in the form of intuition, otherwise known as our “gut feelings.” Tapping into our subconscious is important, Friedmutter says, because if we’re separate from it, our conscious mind becomes overpowered. Try the following steps to access your subconscious:

Close your eyes and go within.Once centered, open your eyes and look in a mirror. Focus on your eyes.Think the following thoughts, in the order written: I see who you are. I hear who you are. I feel who you are. I know who you have been. I am who you will be. I am all things. I know all things. I feel all things. I am all life. I feel all life. I will remain all life.

Principle Three: Move Toward or Away

Do you move toward things that are good for you, or do you move away from things that are bad for you? Do you feel like you’re always chasing something, or do you want to be chased? “Ninety-five percent of what we do, think, and feel occurs without our conscious control,” says Friedmutter. “Each time you connect with your subconscious, you reinforce the likelihood that you will move toward what is good for you and away from what isn’t.” Making decisions to move toward positive people, places, and situations — and away from negative ones — can help you make better decisions. But in her context, judgment is what helps us make good decisions, such as choosing who we welcome into our lives. Friedmutter offers an exercise that can help you assess whether a person you’ve just met will be a positive influence or not. Next time you meet someone new, try the following:

Shake hands and greet the person, sending energy to the person. Then consciously pull the energy back to your body.How does the person feel to you now?Do you notice a warm, positive feeling? Or do you notice a chilly, negative feeling?

Your subconscious will tell you if a person is safe or good for you based on the degree of warmth. Being tuned into the people around you will sharpen your judgment, and you’ll find yourself surrounded by people who bring out the best in you.

Principle Five: Give to Get

“The most successful people are able to dream big, go after what they want, and enjoy the results of their labor,” Friedmutter says. She offers four “energetic guidelines” to help keep your subconscious and conscious minds in alignment:

Keep yourself from giving to the point of depletion or loss.Expect to get, and make your expectations known.Give judiciously and purely.If you don’t feel right about giving, don’t give.

Principle Six: Play Big

“In other words, go for it!” says Friedmutter. Once you’ve gotten rid of relationships that aren’t good for you, and you’re living with gratitude and curiosity, you’re ready for this step, she says. You might not know what your mission is on this planet, but you don’t need to. “All high-performing people have one thing in common: They say they have reached success beyond their wildest dreams,” says Friedmutter. That’s likely because they have a connection to something bigger. The idea isn’t about being greedy or hoarding, but asking for the things that you desire to get what you need. Ready to manifest a goal? Here’s another hypnotic hack:

Close your eyes and go within.Congratulate yourself on all you’ve achieved thus far in your life.Bring to mind a goal.Ask your subconscious what is needed to manifest your goal.As answers appear, imagine yourself implementing them.Visualize yourself accomplishing your goal.Imagine your loved ones around you clapping, cheering, and celebrating your success.Absorb and bask in positive energy from all your supporters.

When you bring in energy and put your talents out there, Friedmutter says you’ll be the best version of yourself — and live the life you’ve always dreamed of.