While facing an unpredictable disease that has no cure is undoubtedly emotionally challenging for both patient and family alike, there’s also reason for optimism. Experts emphasize that maintaining a good quality of life is possible for people who have Crohn’s. But as the caregiver, you should take steps to understand how the disease works, and develop strategies to help control and manage the symptoms.

What Happens in the Body of Someone With Crohn’s

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes inflammation of the digestive tract. It can affect the entire tract — from top to bottom — but generally affects the last part of the small intestine (the ileum) and the colon. Crohn’s disease can’t be cured, but it can be managed. Carl Dennison, MD, a family physician in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, explains that the most effective approach thus far is to minimize inflammation. Yet there will often be times where a person will experience bad flare-ups. “When people are in states of remission, when the disease is quiet, they don’t have pain at all. Of course this is the goal of treatment,” Dr. Dennison says. “But for people who are out of remission, they can have various degrees of pain, from mild to extremely severe.” And while bouts of active Crohn’s disease can’t be entirely prevented, there are some proven interventions a patient and a caregiver can implement to minimize a recurrence, or flare-up. Tips to help prevent and manage Crohn’s flare-ups include:

Avoid alcohol and cigarettes. People with Crohn’s disease should avoid alcohol consumption as it can irritate the stomach and digestive tract. Other addictive habits, such as smoking, can also cause a worsening of Crohn’s symptoms.Be aware of food triggers. If certain foods are known to cause digestive distress, they should be avoided. Hot spices, milk products, and greasy food, for example, can increase diarrhea and cramping. Also steer clear of high-fiber foods during a flare.Keep a daily food diary. Keeping track of meals can help the patient and caregiver identify which foods might be problematic. These food triggers can be added to the customized list of foods and drinks to be avoided.Monitor pain severity. Pain that is mild and well tolerated can be treated effectively with over-the-counter medication. But someone who suddenly experiences extremely severe pain would need to see a doctor immediately since it could be a sign of something more serious. In such instances, a more potent prescription pain reliever may be necessary.Reduce stress levels. Exercise, yoga, and other forms of stress relief, can be extremely beneficial. Exercise, in particular, has been shown to be effective in controlling stress, which has been linked to the worsening of Crohn’s symptoms and flare-ups. Taming negative thoughts can help as well.Keep up with medical appointments. All the frequent doctor and healthcare provider visits can understandably be overwhelming at times. Caregivers can help ease the burden by keeping track of follow-ups and accompanying their loved one on appointments. By being there, the caregiver can often provide valuable observations that help doctors formulate or make changes to a treatment plan.

Emotional Support Can Go a Long Way, Too

Patients dealing with a chronic illness, such as Crohn’s disease, can easily become depressed, anxious, and socially isolated. If you notice signs of emotional distress, don’t hesitate to seek help from a doctor or a mental health professional. Taking care of a loved one with Crohn’s can be emotionally taxing as well. A study published in September 2016 in the journal Annals of Gastroenterology found that a large proportion (44 percent) of the 162 IBD caregivers surveyed felt overburdened and experienced a notable decline in quality of life scores. To help ensure that caregivers receive proper support and are able to stay on top of everything, the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation offers on its website a wide range of valuable information, including a web community where you can “meet” and talk to people living with or caring for those with Crohn’s disease. Additional reporting by Tuan Nguyen