In reality, esophageal spasms are uncontrolled contractions of the muscles that normally work to move food down the esophagus from the mouth to the stomach. Gastric acid that surges into the esophagus as a result of GERD is one of the suspected causes and aggravators of esophageal spasms. GERD: Esophageal Spasm Symptoms There are two main types of esophageal spasm. Both of these conditions have been linked to the damage GERD causes by repeatedly bathing the nerves and muscles of the esophagus in stomach acid.

Diffuse esophageal spasm involves the muscles contracting in an uncoordinated way, which prevents food from moving down the esophagus.Nutcracker esophagus occurs when the muscles of the esophagus contract too forcefully while swallowing. Nearly half the time, this condition is caused by GERD.

The symptoms are similar for both types of esophageal spasm. They include:

Chest pain similar to that of a heart attack. This symptom is reported by 80 to 90 percent of people suffering from esophageal spasms.Difficulty swallowing, or feeling like food is stuck in the throat.Heartburn similar to that produced by GERD.

Acid reflux and GERD are known to prompt esophageal spasms. These spasms can also be triggered by drinking very hot or very cold liquids or by stress, as well as by unknown causes. GERD: Treatment for Esophageal Spasms People who experience GERD-related esophageal spasms can find relief by treating their GERD. The spasms tend to decrease in frequency as bouts of acid reflux decrease. Some methods of dealing with GERD include taking medications, such as antacids, proton pump inhibitors, and H2 blockers. Lifestyle changes, such as the following, are also recommended.

Quit smokingReduce alcohol intakeLose weightEat smaller mealsDo not lie down for at least three hours after eatingWear loose-fitting clothingAvoid fatty foods, spicy foods, chocolate, mint, and other foods known to exacerbate reflux

There are also several ways to treat esophageal spasms directly with medication, such as:

Taking nitrates or calcium channel blockers to relax the muscles in the esophagus. Nitroglycerin placed under the tongue also can help relax the muscles during an acute episode of esophageal spasms.Taking tricyclic antidepressants, which can help reduce the pain of spasms.Injecting botulinum toxin (Botox) into the esophageal muscles that are spasming and cannot relax. The toxin blocks the function of the nerves that are causing the spasm. It is injected through endoscopy, a procedure in which a small lighted tube with a camera is inserted into the esophagus through the throat.

The good news is that many of the preventive steps used to control GERD can help prevent esophageal spasms as well, so it’s possible to manage both problems at once.