And unfortunately, skimping on this essential nutrient could be harmful to your overall health. Not only does fiber help keep you regular, but it also can help ward off heart disease, reduce blood sugar levels, and prevent weight gain. Perhaps that’s why people who consume higher amounts of fiber are less likely to develop heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and certain gastrointestinal diseases, according to a study published in 2009 in the journal Nutrition Reviews. So where can you find good sources of fiber? (And, more importantly, how can you sneak more of it into your diet?) Read on to find the answers to all your questions about fiber.

1. What is dietary fiber?

Fiber is a carbohydrate that’s found in plant foods such as vegetables, grains, fruits, and legumes. The body can’t digest fiber, so it travels through the stomach until it ends up in the large intestine, says Edward Giovannucci, MD, ScD, professor of nutrition and epidemiology at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston. There are two kinds of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and forms a kind of gel in the colon, says Jason Ewoldt, RDN, LD, a wellness dietitian at the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program in Rochester, Minnesota. Insoluble fiber, because it doesn’t dissolve in water, stays basically intact and helps to increase the movement of material through the digestive system, he says. Each type of fiber may have different benefits, says Dr. Giovannucci. For example, soluble fiber may be better at helping to control your blood sugar levels, whereas insoluble fiber (because it speeds the passage of foods through the GI tract) can help prevent constipation. For example, adult men under the age of 51 should aim to eat 38 g of fiber a day; adult women under the age of 51 should consume 25 g a day. If you’re 51 or older, the goal is 30 g of fiber a day for males, 21 g for females, says Ewoldt.

3. Am I getting enough fiber in my diet? 

Probably not. Even though 67 percent of people think they’re eating enough fiber, only 5 percent of the population meets their recommended daily fiber goals, according to the study in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. The problem: Many people are confused about where to find it — and oftentimes, they mistakenly believe that foods labeled “whole grains” are good sources of fiber, say the researchers. Although whole grains usually contain more fiber than refined grains, not all whole-grain products contain 3 g of fiber per serving (a “good” source) or 5 g per serving (an “excellent” source). Always check the nutrition label to see how much fiber is in each product. Since there isn’t a foolproof way to know if you’re getting the right amount of fiber, experts recommend keeping tabs on how much roughage you’re eating: “The most accurate and objective way would be to track your fiber intake, at least for a few days or a week,” says Ewoldt. Online food diaries and trackers like My Fitness Pal can tell you how much fiber you’ve already eaten. Once you hit your daily fiber recommendations, try to mirror that day going forward, suggests Ewoldt. Another way to gauge your fiber intake: Look in the toilet. If your stool is loose or runny, you may not be getting enough fiber, says Ewoldt. Chronic constipation could also be a sign that you’re running low on fiber, he says.

4. Can fiber really keep me regular?

Yes. Fiber — especially the insoluble kind that isn’t digested — can help boost your digestive health. Generally speaking, insoluble fiber can ease constipation because it “keeps things moving” — i.e., because it isn’t digestible, insoluble fiber passes through the body and adds bulk to the stool, says Ewoldt.

5. Can eating more fiber help me lose weight?

It can! Naturally high-fiber diets (those that are full of vegetables, grains, fruits, and legumes) can help people maintain a healthy weight, says Giovannucci. That’s because foods that contain fiber tend to be filling — they help you feel fuller sooner, he says. Plus, “these foods are less dense in calories in general, so you can eat more, feel satisfied, and may consume fewer calories,” says Giovannucci. Another reason that increased fiber intake can make it easier to facilitate and maintain weight loss is that soluble fiber helps to slow down digestion, so it keeps us feeling fuller longer, says Ewoldt. “When weight loss is a goal, increasing fibrous foods like fruits and vegetables is always [a good idea],” says Ewoldt.

6. What are some other health benefits of fiber?

Fiber is most famous for helping people stay regular — but it can also help prevent type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and even certain GI disorders. Fiber can help stabilize our blood sugar levels by slowing the release of carbohydrates and sugars in the bloodstream and allowing food to be digested more slowly, says Giovannucci. This is directly beneficial for people who have diabetes and can also help prevent heart disease, he says. Fiber may also have a modest effect on improving your cholesterol and blood lipid levels, says Giovannucci. Plus, because fiber helps your gut flora to flourish, fiber may also help ward off intestinal diseases, including constipation, diverticulitis, and colon cancer, says Giovannucci. Lastly, because it can help you maintain a healthy weight, that may help prevent chronic diseases that are exacerbated by being overweight or obese or having high blood pressure, including heart disease or type 2 diabetes, he says.

7. What are some high-fiber foods (and how much fiber is in them)? 

Plant-based foods are the best sources of fiber — especially fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately, most Americans are falling short of their daily produce goals, too. According to a report published in November 2017 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only 1 out of 10 adults meet their recommended fruit and vegetable intake. One great source for fiber is black beans — a half a cup of black beans has 7 or 8 g of fiber, he says. Plus, they can easily be added to soups, salads, and chili, or even made into burger patties. Other high-fiber veggies include artichokes, avocados, winter squash, and lima beans. Fruits are also good sources of fiber. You can get 4 g of fiber by eating a medium apple with the skin or a half of cup of raspberries, says Ewoldt. A medium-size banana has 3 g of fiber. If you eat the recommended daily servings of both fruits and vegetables, it will be much easier to consume the recommended level of fiber, says Ewoldt. The American Heart Association recommends eating 4 servings of fruit and 5 servings of vegetables a day. To make sure you’re choosing the right foods, use this chart from the Mayo Clinic, which lists high-fiber foods along with their fiber per serving size.

8. Is added fiber the same as fiber that’s naturally found in foods?

Probably not, says Giovannucci. Part of the reason fiber is so beneficial for your health is because it causes a food to be digested more slowly, he explains. This causes you to feel full before overeating and slows the release of carbohydrates. “Synthetic fiber added to foods doesn’t have the same effects,” says Giovannucci. A lot of the fiber that’s added to products like ice cream and protein bars is processed from natural sources like oats, chicory, and wheat, says Ewoldt. While that fiber can still be beneficial, says Ewoldt, “we just want to make sure we’re not eating this ice cream and telling ourselves it’s better than eating raspberries or an apple.” Remember: If you’re eating an apple or banana, you’re not just consuming fiber — you’re also reaping the benefits of the fruit’s vitamins and minerals, too, he says.

9. Will too much fiber make me gassy or bloated?  

Eating too much fiber (or too much, too soon) can potentially cause some uncomfortable side effects, especially too much soluble fiber, says Ewoldt. “You can get gas and bloating and feel generally uncomfortable,” he says. If you do experience some discomfort, and you suspect it’s due to your high fiber intake, you could cut back on the amount of fiber you’re eating, says Ewoldt. Then try to slowly add more fibrous foods to get to your goal over a matter of weeks or even months, he says. When it comes to increasing your fiber intake, take the slow-and-steady approach; this, rather than big jumps, can help reduce unwanted bloating or discomfort. “If I’m eating 10 g of fiber on average a day and all of a sudden, I’m getting 25 g, that’s a pretty big change,” says Ewolt. “You don’t want to [make a sudden change] overnight.” Another strategy: Try to drink more water and exercise more often. Physical activity seems to help reduce some of those unpleasant symptoms that can go along with eating a lot of fiber, says Ewoldt.

title: “Fiber Questions Answered” ShowToc: true date: “2023-01-18” author: “Richard Fountain”

And unfortunately, skimping on this essential nutrient could be harmful to your overall health. Not only does fiber help keep you regular, but it also can help ward off heart disease, reduce blood sugar levels, and prevent weight gain. Perhaps that’s why people who consume higher amounts of fiber are less likely to develop heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and certain gastrointestinal diseases, according to a study published in 2009 in the journal Nutrition Reviews. So where can you find good sources of fiber? (And, more importantly, how can you sneak more of it into your diet?) Read on to find the answers to all your questions about fiber.

1. What is dietary fiber?

Fiber is a carbohydrate that’s found in plant foods such as vegetables, grains, fruits, and legumes. The body can’t digest fiber, so it travels through the stomach until it ends up in the large intestine, says Edward Giovannucci, MD, ScD, professor of nutrition and epidemiology at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston. There are two kinds of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and forms a kind of gel in the colon, says Jason Ewoldt, RDN, LD, a wellness dietitian at the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program in Rochester, Minnesota. Insoluble fiber, because it doesn’t dissolve in water, stays basically intact and helps to increase the movement of material through the digestive system, he says. Each type of fiber may have different benefits, says Dr. Giovannucci. For example, soluble fiber may be better at helping to control your blood sugar levels, whereas insoluble fiber (because it speeds the passage of foods through the GI tract) can help prevent constipation. For example, adult men under the age of 51 should aim to eat 38 g of fiber a day; adult women under the age of 51 should consume 25 g a day. If you’re 51 or older, the goal is 30 g of fiber a day for males, 21 g for females, says Ewoldt.

3. Am I getting enough fiber in my diet? 

Probably not. Even though 67 percent of people think they’re eating enough fiber, only 5 percent of the population meets their recommended daily fiber goals, according to the study in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. The problem: Many people are confused about where to find it — and oftentimes, they mistakenly believe that foods labeled “whole grains” are good sources of fiber, say the researchers. Although whole grains usually contain more fiber than refined grains, not all whole-grain products contain 3 g of fiber per serving (a “good” source) or 5 g per serving (an “excellent” source). Always check the nutrition label to see how much fiber is in each product. Since there isn’t a foolproof way to know if you’re getting the right amount of fiber, experts recommend keeping tabs on how much roughage you’re eating: “The most accurate and objective way would be to track your fiber intake, at least for a few days or a week,” says Ewoldt. Online food diaries and trackers like My Fitness Pal can tell you how much fiber you’ve already eaten. Once you hit your daily fiber recommendations, try to mirror that day going forward, suggests Ewoldt. Another way to gauge your fiber intake: Look in the toilet. If your stool is loose or runny, you may not be getting enough fiber, says Ewoldt. Chronic constipation could also be a sign that you’re running low on fiber, he says.

4. Can fiber really keep me regular?

Yes. Fiber — especially the insoluble kind that isn’t digested — can help boost your digestive health. Generally speaking, insoluble fiber can ease constipation because it “keeps things moving” — i.e., because it isn’t digestible, insoluble fiber passes through the body and adds bulk to the stool, says Ewoldt.

5. Can eating more fiber help me lose weight?

It can! Naturally high-fiber diets (those that are full of vegetables, grains, fruits, and legumes) can help people maintain a healthy weight, says Giovannucci. That’s because foods that contain fiber tend to be filling — they help you feel fuller sooner, he says. Plus, “these foods are less dense in calories in general, so you can eat more, feel satisfied, and may consume fewer calories,” says Giovannucci. Another reason that increased fiber intake can make it easier to facilitate and maintain weight loss is that soluble fiber helps to slow down digestion, so it keeps us feeling fuller longer, says Ewoldt. “When weight loss is a goal, increasing fibrous foods like fruits and vegetables is always [a good idea],” says Ewoldt.

6. What are some other health benefits of fiber?

Fiber is most famous for helping people stay regular — but it can also help prevent type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and even certain GI disorders. Fiber can help stabilize our blood sugar levels by slowing the release of carbohydrates and sugars in the bloodstream and allowing food to be digested more slowly, says Giovannucci. This is directly beneficial for people who have diabetes and can also help prevent heart disease, he says. Fiber may also have a modest effect on improving your cholesterol and blood lipid levels, says Giovannucci. Plus, because fiber helps your gut flora to flourish, fiber may also help ward off intestinal diseases, including constipation, diverticulitis, and colon cancer, says Giovannucci. Lastly, because it can help you maintain a healthy weight, that may help prevent chronic diseases that are exacerbated by being overweight or obese or having high blood pressure, including heart disease or type 2 diabetes, he says.

7. What are some high-fiber foods (and how much fiber is in them)? 

Plant-based foods are the best sources of fiber — especially fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately, most Americans are falling short of their daily produce goals, too. According to a report published in November 2017 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only 1 out of 10 adults meet their recommended fruit and vegetable intake. One great source for fiber is black beans — a half a cup of black beans has 7 or 8 g of fiber, he says. Plus, they can easily be added to soups, salads, and chili, or even made into burger patties. Other high-fiber veggies include artichokes, avocados, winter squash, and lima beans. Fruits are also good sources of fiber. You can get 4 g of fiber by eating a medium apple with the skin or a half of cup of raspberries, says Ewoldt. A medium-size banana has 3 g of fiber. If you eat the recommended daily servings of both fruits and vegetables, it will be much easier to consume the recommended level of fiber, says Ewoldt. The American Heart Association recommends eating 4 servings of fruit and 5 servings of vegetables a day. To make sure you’re choosing the right foods, use this chart from the Mayo Clinic, which lists high-fiber foods along with their fiber per serving size.

8. Is added fiber the same as fiber that’s naturally found in foods?

Probably not, says Giovannucci. Part of the reason fiber is so beneficial for your health is because it causes a food to be digested more slowly, he explains. This causes you to feel full before overeating and slows the release of carbohydrates. “Synthetic fiber added to foods doesn’t have the same effects,” says Giovannucci. A lot of the fiber that’s added to products like ice cream and protein bars is processed from natural sources like oats, chicory, and wheat, says Ewoldt. While that fiber can still be beneficial, says Ewoldt, “we just want to make sure we’re not eating this ice cream and telling ourselves it’s better than eating raspberries or an apple.” Remember: If you’re eating an apple or banana, you’re not just consuming fiber — you’re also reaping the benefits of the fruit’s vitamins and minerals, too, he says.

9. Will too much fiber make me gassy or bloated?  

Eating too much fiber (or too much, too soon) can potentially cause some uncomfortable side effects, especially too much soluble fiber, says Ewoldt. “You can get gas and bloating and feel generally uncomfortable,” he says. If you do experience some discomfort, and you suspect it’s due to your high fiber intake, you could cut back on the amount of fiber you’re eating, says Ewoldt. Then try to slowly add more fibrous foods to get to your goal over a matter of weeks or even months, he says. When it comes to increasing your fiber intake, take the slow-and-steady approach; this, rather than big jumps, can help reduce unwanted bloating or discomfort. “If I’m eating 10 g of fiber on average a day and all of a sudden, I’m getting 25 g, that’s a pretty big change,” says Ewolt. “You don’t want to [make a sudden change] overnight.” Another strategy: Try to drink more water and exercise more often. Physical activity seems to help reduce some of those unpleasant symptoms that can go along with eating a lot of fiber, says Ewoldt.