The most common reason people are hospitalized for COVID-19 is difficulty breathing, according to Peter M. McGough, MD, the medical director of UW Medicine Neighborhood Clinics in and around Seattle. “Respiratory distress is what would send someone with COVID-19 to the hospital,” he says. “Fever can wax and wane. But if someone has to work hard to move air, that is a more severe case.” RELATED: Coronavirus 101 — Your Ultimate Guide to COVID-19 When people have mild or moderate coronavirus symptoms, they are typically able to manage their symptoms at home, says Sophia Tolliver, MD, a clinical assistant professor of Family Medicine at Wexner Medical Center at the Ohio State University in Columbus. “Those people are not experiencing fevers greater than 100.4 F or showing any signs of significant shortness of breath or difficulty breathing,” she says.

Telemedicine Brings Doctors Into COVID-19 Patients’ Homes

Recovering at home does not mean forgoing visits with a healthcare provider. That’s where telemedicine or telehealth — virtual consultations between patients and doctors — come in. Many providers are using telemedicine to see patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19, as well as other conditions, says Sharon Nachman, MD, the chief of pediatric infectious diseases and a professor of pediatrics at Stony Brook University in New York. “The patient has to have a camera for us to see them, so it may not be accessible to everyone. We can also do consults over the telephone,” she says. “For a telephone or telehealth consultation for coronavirus, we would try to assess their respiratory status,” Dr. Nachman says. “I would ask them about their cough. Is it constant or sporadic? Are they short of breath? How hard are they working to breathe?” For patients using telemedicine, Nachman suggests taking a few minutes to prepare for your phone call or video visit. “Write down symptoms and what is going on with you, along with all your questions before your appointment,” she advises. “That can help you focus and ensure that you don’t forget anything you wanted to discuss.” “If someone has a positive test for COVID-19, they need to remain in isolation for 14 days. If the test comes back negative, they need to remain isolated for 72 hours after all the symptoms, including fever, have resolved,” says McGough. “The care for the coronavirus is essentially symptom relief. Take Tylenol or cough suppressant and drink plenty of fluids,” says McGough. Ibuprofen, an anti-inflammatory available over the counter in medications such as Advil and Motrin, is “safe to take as advised on the label; but if you take more than that, it can hurt your kidney function.” A letter published March 11, 2020, in the journal The Lancet suggested that taking anti-inflammatory drugs could actually cause COVID-19 to infect more cells and make the infection more severe. But “that study provided scant data to prove this theory,” says Nachman. “The World Health Organization (WHO) has said that, based on the current evidence, they do not recommend against using ibuprofen for COVID-19,” she says. “The care for the coronavirus is the same care as for the flu,” says McGough. “Don’t try miracle cures that you read about on the internet. Home comfort care is what is appropriate.”

Take Care of Your Mental Health

People recovering at home need to also take care of their mental health, says Tolliver. “Try to find different things you can do through the day to take your mind off the virus for a while,” she says. “A lot of people have the TV tuned to the news most of the day. Make sure to take time to cut that off and leave behind Facebook and Instagram. Work on a puzzle or call a friend,” she says. “A few minutes spent meditating or expressing gratitude for what you have in the moment can help too.”

Taking Precautions to Avoid Infecting Your Family With COVID-19

“We recommend that people who are at home with the virus keep distance from other members of household. If they need help or care, they should designate one person and wear a mask when that person is present,” says McGough. People at home with coronavirus (and the people who live with them) should practice good hand-washing technique and wipe down high-touch, common surfaces often, says Tolliver.

Waiting on Test Results? Get Prepared to Isolate if Necessary

“If you are waiting on test results, make arrangements to ensure that you have any medications you might need for symptom relief of COVID-19, as well as any additional medications you might be taking for other conditions,” says Tolliver. You will also want to make sure you have enough groceries to get you through the isolation period. Tolliver suggests using a delivery service or enlisting a family member or friend to go shopping for you to avoid potentially infecting others.

What if Your Symptoms Worsen?

If your symptoms worsen during the course of a self-quarantine, you need to reach out to your healthcare provider, says Tolliver. “If your fever has risen above 100.4 F, your cough has become drier and more frequent, you’re experiencing body aches, or you’re having trouble staying hydrated, that’s definitely a time when you should call your doctor so they can reevaluate your symptoms, especially if you haven’t been tested,” she says. “If you feel you are having a lot of difficulty drawing a breath and you’re not able to control your fevers with OTC medications, call your doctor right away,” she says.

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