Here is an overview of traditional approaches to treatment, plus everything you need to know about at-home remedies.

Common Relief Options

The most natural treatment is no treatment at all, or the “watchful waiting” approach. (1) Doctors may go this route for mild cases of middle ear infection, also known as acute otitis media, in an attempt to allow the immune system to fight off the infection on its own without the help of antibiotics. “Often we don’t need to give antibiotics,” says Sujana S. Chandrasekhar, MD, with ENT and Allergy Associates in New York City. Generally, she says ear, nose, and throat doctors will watch the infection for about three days. If the symptoms remain or worsen, then it may be time for antibiotics. Otitis media with effusion (OME) in particular tends to go away without antibiotics or other treatments. These ear infections are the result of fluid buildup in the middle ear and usually have few symptoms. (1)

Pain Relievers for Earaches

If you or your child is experiencing an infection, you’ll likely want relief from the pain — fast. For quick relief, your doctor may also suggest reaching for an over-the-counter pain reliever, with or without the addition of antibiotics. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil) could help, though you’ll always want to check with your doctor to be sure. (1)

At-Home Remedies to Treat Ear Infections

Maybe you’re not a fan of pain relievers or antibiotics and want to limit your or your child’s exposure to them. “Overuse of antibiotics in society in general has caused this growth of bacteria that are now resistant to many types of antibiotics, so we’re trying to reel that back in [by not overly prescribing],” Dr. Chandrasekhar says. Given that, natural, at-home options may come in handy. At least 1 in 10 people with ear pain reports having tried one or more types of alternative medicine before visiting their doctor. (2) Keep in mind, however, that research supporting these treatments is scarce, and it’s always a good idea to consult with your doctor before trying a new treatment. Here are six at-home options that may provide some relief:

A warm compress Hold a washcloth under warm water and squeeze it to release the extra water. Then, lay it over the ear that’s infected for 20 minutes or so to lessen the pain. A warm water bottle held over the infected ear should also do the trick. (3,4) “People do the warm compresses simply to try to soothe, to try to draw out the inflammation,” Chandrasekhar says, adding that she does believe it can make people feel a little bit better.Warm olive oil in the ear Chandrasekhar says there’s no proof this works but says it’s okay to try as long as the olive oil isn’t piping hot and there’s no hole in the eardrum. “It may soothe or it may not soothe,” she says. “If there’s no swollen eardrum, [olive oil] may not cause any harm whatsoever.”Herbal extract ear drops Drops containing allium sativum, verbascum thapsus, calendula flores, hypericum perforatum, lavender, and vitamin E in olive oil can help children suffering from a middle ear infection that requires active treatment (rather than simply waiting for the pain to diminish over time). One study found these drops to be just as effective as prescription drops. (2)A solution of equal parts rubbing alcohol and vinegar Applying a couple of drops of this solution in the infected ear could help people suffering from repeat infections of swimmer’s ear (medically called otitis externa), which occurs when water gets stuck in the ear canal and bacteria grow. The rubbing alcohol helps the water in the ear evaporate, and the vinegar prevents bacteria from spreading. (5)Blow-drying the ear This method can also help people who routinely suffer from swimmer’s ear (who aren’t always swimmers — simply being out on a windy and rainy day could cause the infection). Pointing a blow-dryer on low heat near the ear can help dry up any leftover moisture in the ear after being out in the elements, pool, or shower. (5)The juice of an onion Several articles and YouTube videos claim that onions are the secret to curing an earache, which is advice that supposedly dates back to the 1800s. Onions contain a flavonoid called quercetin, which has anti-inflammatory properties. One method calls for heating an onion at 450 degrees F for 15 minutes. Then, once it is cool, cut the onion in half and squeeze the juice into a bowl. Put a few drops of the juice into the ear. Or, you could place the onion half directly over the infected ear. (6) Chandrasekhar says it’s “perfectly reasonable [to try it], but give yourself a time limit like, ‘Okay, if it’s still bothering me in three days I’m going to go in to see a doctor,’” she says.

Who At-Home Remedies Are Best For

Chandrasekhar warns not to try a home remedy on a child under the age of 2 because they’re at increased risk of developing complications. “If the child is fussing when you put them down flat or trying to pull at their ear or if they’re screaming when you’re trying to feed them, I think bringing them in and listening to your doctor and giving them the antibiotics they need is really important,” she says. Chandrasekhar is less concerned about older patients who aren’t experiencing other symptoms, like a fever or difficulty eating or drinking. If none of these at-home options helps relieve pain within a couple of days, it may be time to call your doctor. It’s possible the infection will need antibiotics to heal and leaving it untreated for too long could lead to complications, which can be serious or, in very rare cases, life-threatening.