The tragic event took the lives of 22 people — the youngest being 8 years old and the oldest being 51 — while they were leaving England’s Manchester Arena after Grande finished performing. Wounded were an additional 139 people, a majority of whom were children. Even as time has passed, the gruesome attack has left many people feeling a range of emotions. Although not all performers, concertgoers, venue employees, and others who were at the event will experience PTSD, it’s not uncommon if they do. “It’s a real thing,” the 24-year-old American singer says of her PTSD, in a cover interview for the July 2018 issue of British Vogue, noting that it’s difficult to talk about. “I know those families and my fans, and everyone there experienced a tremendous amount of it as well. Time is the biggest thing. I feel like I shouldn’t even be talking about my own experience — like I shouldn’t even say anything. I don’t think I’ll ever know how to talk about it and not cry,” she added. RELATED: What Are the Symptoms of PTSD, and How Is It Diagnosed? Grande is in a unique situation, considering the incident took place at an event where people were specifically there to see her. Therefore, it’s not unordinary for her to feel what she has expressed, and there are likely other emotions at play, says Lata K. McGinn, PhD, cofounder of Cognitive Behavioral Consultants, a private clinical and training center, and a professor of psychology at Yeshiva University in New York City. “Even though it’s not justified guilt, she’s probably feeling some sort of guilt, such as thinking ‘people came to see me and now they have to suffer,’” Dr. McGinn says. “It’s obviously not her fault at all, but sometimes people wind up taking responsibility for things that aren’t.” Rape or sexual assault is another instance where a victim may feel a similar type of unjustified guilt. For example, the person may conclude if they weren’t wearing a certain outfit or took action, that it wouldn’t have happened, McGinn explains. This type of trauma can lead to PTSD, even more so among women. About 10 percent of women develop PTSD during their lifetime compared with about 4 percent of men, according to the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs’ (VA) National Center for PTSD. Other traumatic events that may lead to the mental condition include childhood abuse, plane crash, robbery, and life-threatening medical diagnosis, among many other situations. Some people may experience depression or anxiety after the event and never go on to experience PTSD. But for those who do, the symptoms can begin within months of the event or even years after, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, and and includes things such as flashbacks, avoidance of certain places or events, sleeping problems, and distorted feelings. RELATED: Understanding the Stigma Around PTSD and How to Overcome Barriers to Care There are ways to help people suffering harness their natural recovery from a traumatic event. An approach known as psychological first aid teaches individuals ways to support others after experiencing traumatic events, with the hopes of reducing PTSD, according to the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. “The most important thing to communicate to people is that this is a common reaction that your mind and body have in order to recover from a trauma,” McGinn says. “[PTSD] can come at any point, and it’s important not to apologize for your reaction, but to learn skills to help you recover.” As with other disorders, treatment isn’t going to look the same for everyone. Some options include trauma-focused psychotherapies, antidepressant medication, or both, the VA notes. If you’re in a crisis and suffering from PTSD symptoms, the VA recommends calling 911, going to the nearest emergency room, calling the Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255), or contacting the Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255.