This type of hair loss is largely due to genetics and is more common with age, according to the National Library of Medicine. If you have a variation of a specific gene, your hair follicles are sensitive to the effects of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a derivative of testosterone. As a result, the hair follicles begin to shrink, or miniaturize, leading to thinning, explains Shoshana Marmon, MD, PhD, a fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology and an assistant professor and director of clinical research in the department of dermatology at New York Medical College in New York City. The role of androgens in women’s hair loss is less well known, she adds. Unfortunately, scientists and doctors don’t know how much hair an individual with androgenetic alopecia will lose, so if you’re facing this condition, it’s hard to know what the fate of your hair will be, notes StatPearls. Regardless, for both men and women, hair loss can be difficult to endure psychologically. Androgenetic alopecia has been linked to depression and anxiety in women, research shows. Men may also be extremely unhappy with their hair loss and less accepting of the changes than people may assume them to be, according to the American Hair Loss Association. All around, hair loss can affect your personal and professional life. That’s why early, proper treatment is so important. There are a number of different therapies that can help stimulate hair regrowth, although certain approaches may be more effective for you than others. Below, find topicals, medications, and noninvasive and surgical treatments to talk to your doctor about for androgenetic alopecia. Minoxidil works by stimulating hair growth and preventing new hair loss, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). You’ll have to use it consistently for three to six months before seeing the benefits. Even when your hair grows back, you’ll still have to apply minoxidil daily as directed, otherwise it will begin to thin again. John Browning, MD, a fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology and a dermatologist with Texas Dermatology and Laser Specialists in San Antonio, recommends applying minoxidil twice a day to a dry scalp. Available over the counter, minoxidil comes in versions designed for men or women. Dr. Browning recommends using a 5 percent formula; lower-strength ones won’t be enough, he says. When using it at home, avoid getting it on your forehead or above your lips — and anywhere else you don’t want hair to grow — he advises. For off-label prescriptions of oral minoxidil, women are typically prescribed one-quarter to one-half of the dose men would get, taken twice a day, Browning says. This treatment tends to be effective, and it’s often combined with topical formulations for even better results. “When used early on, you can do wonders with oral minoxidil, with or without topicals,” Browning says. Another oral option that is more tried and true than oral minoxidil is finasteride, known by the brand name Propecia, which is approved by the FDA for hair loss treatment in men. This medication can cause birth defects, so it may be considered for postmenopausal women, Browning points out. In the latter case, Propecia is offered as an off-label prescription, just like oral minoxidil is for hair loss in general. For women, another oral medication called spironolactone may be an option, as research shows that this drug blocks androgens, which can help with hair regrowth and improve its density. Dermatologists also prescribe this med for acne in women, making it a potential two-in-one treatment, if you have both of those conditions. LLLT devices often look like helmets or caps that are worn on the head, and there are various such devices available to buy and use in your own home. Talk to your dermatologist about the options that may be best for you. LLLT can also be used in combination with other treatments, such as minoxidil, and research has shown that dual treatment may be more effective than each one alone. One downside is that purchasing a helmet/cap can cost hundreds of dollars. The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery says that it can take several months to heal after the surgery, and while it is typically successful, several surgeries are often needed for the desired result. People who are best suited for hair transplant surgery are those who have lost 50 to 75 percent of the hair on top of their head (or all of it), says Browning. While you can access some hair loss treatments over the counter, such as topical minoxidil, other treatments will require a visit to the dermatologist, whether that’s for a prescription for an oral medication or to talk about options, such as laser therapies or surgery.