Whether you’ve already discovered the deliciousness of this edible green plant, or you’re thinking about incorporating more of it into your diet, here’s everything you need to know about broccoli.

Defining Broccoli: What Exactly Is This Buzzed-About Veggie? 

This nutritional powerhouse is no stranger to plates. Even if you haven’t delighted your taste buds with broccoli, you can probably identify its green stalk and green flowering head in a lineup of other vegetables. It’s a staple in just about every produce section. But what’s interesting is that broccoli is a fairly new crop in certain parts of the world. Believe it or not, broccoli didn’t become widely popular in the United States until the 1920s, and it didn’t make its way to England until the 1700s. (1) This vegetable is native to the Mediterranean, and it was originally cultivated in Italy. (1) It’s a cruciferous vegetable that shares ancestry with other flowering plants, including cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and kale. (2) Broccoli is also an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, notes the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s MyPlate guidelines. The same 1 cup of chopped broccoli contains about 69 mg of vitamin C (77 percent DV), 77 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin K (64 percent DV), and 49 mcg of folate (12 percent DV). (3)

1. Helps Fight Cancer

Cancer occurs when malignant cells develop and spread throughout the body. While modern medicine helps kill cancerous cells, don’t underestimate the cancer-fighting potential of broccoli. This vegetable may help reduce your risk of certain cancers, like lung cancer, stomach cancer, and colon cancer. (4) This is due to a compound in broccoli called isothiocyanates, which helps decrease inflammation. (5) Chronic inflammation can cause changes to your DNA and increase the risk for cancer. (6)

2. Helps With Bone Health

Vitamin K helps your body absorb calcium, and a deficiency increases the risk of bone fractures. (7) Because broccoli contains a high amount of vitamin K, there is an association between eating it and reduced fracture. (8) Broccoli also contains calcium, which is another essential nutrient for strong bones and teeth. (9)

3. Reduces Cholesterol

Your doctor may recommend medication if you’ve been struggling to lower your blood cholesterol. But given the number of possible drug side effects, you might look for natural ways to remedy this problem. Broccoli is especially rich in soluble fiber, the type of fiber that research suggests is most effective for reducing LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. (10) Since a healthy cholesterol level reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure, broccoli can also contribute to heart health. (11) If you’re looking to strengthen your immune system, broccoli is the vegetable for the job. The vitamin C in this flowering plant may give your body the boost it needs to fight off infections. (12) As a bonus, vitamin C helps detoxify the body and removes free radicals that can lead to arthritis, wrinkles, and age-related macular degeneration. (13,14,15)

5. Helps With Weight Loss

Broccoli is also an excellent food for weight loss. Along with being low in calories, this fiber-rich food can help you stay full longer and may curb overeating. It can also improve digestion and help relieve constipation. (16) If you’re not a huge vegetable fan, you might cringe at the thought of consuming large amounts of broccoli on a daily basis. The good news is that it doesn’t take much to enjoy the health benefits, especially because adults only need about 2.5 cups of cooked vegetables per day (you’ll need a slightly larger amount if they’re raw). (17) So if you eat 1 cup of broccoli per day (whether it’s with a meal or snack), you’re nearly halfway to the recommended daily intake of vegetables for adults.

What Does Research Say Broccoli Can’t Do for Your Health? 

Although broccoli has myriad health benefits, it’s not a miracle vegetable or a cure-all. There’s no single food to guarantee good health. Other factors decide your overall health, too. These include lifestyle and genetics. So eating broccoli doesn’t mean that you’ll never get ill. Even so, incorporating as many healthy foods into your diet as possible may play a role in disease prevention. Broccoli contains vitamin K, which helps the blood clot. (19) Therefore, consuming large amounts of broccoli may reduce the effectiveness of anticlotting medications, such as warfarin (Coumadin). If your doctor says it’s okay to eat broccoli, find out how much of the veggie you can safely consume. The amount can vary depending on the individual, but in general, keeping overall intake of vitamin K relatively consistent from day to day is best. There are two main types of broccoli, and their differences stem from when they are harvested. Calabrese broccoli has a thick stalk and is harvested after summer, when the temperatures become cooler. Sprouting broccoli can be identified by its thin stalks. It’s usually harvested in the winter. (20) Don’t feel like turning on the stove? No problem. Pick up fresh broccoli from the store and eat it as a snack. Add a bit of flavor with hummus or homemade yogurt dip. Thinking about broccoli for dinner? You can eat broccoli several times a week and prepare it differently each time. Add olive oil and garlic to a pan and sauté your broccoli. Steam or stir-fry until it softens and season to taste. Or for a crispier alternative, roast your broccoli in the oven. Because broccoli is so versatile, you can eat it with just about anything. If you’re on a diet or watching your calorie intake, add raw broccoli to salads. It also makes the perfect side dish. Sauté, steam, or roast broccoli for dinner, and eat it alongside beef, chicken, pork, or tofu. Or pair it with another vegetable or a starch like rice or potatoes. Many casseroles include broccoli as an ingredient. And if it’s cold outside, whip up a broccoli and cheese soup or a broccoli potato soup.

2. Is broccoli a low-carb and low-fat food?

There are only 5 g of carbohydrates and 0.26 g of fat in 1 cup of chopped broccoli. (3)

3. How many calories are in broccoli?

Broccoli is an excellent choice for weight loss. There are about 30 calories in 1 cup of chopped broccoli. (3)

4. Where is broccoli grown?

Broccoli is grown in different regions, with most of the broccoli in the United States produced in California, Arizona, Texas, and Oregon. (1)

5. How is broccoli grown?

Broccoli grows best when planted in a spot that receives full sun. It can be planted in either the spring or fall, and it requires adequate moisture until ready for harvesting. Broccoli crops mature after 60 to 70 days. (21)

6. Is organic broccoli better than nonorganic broccoli?

Organic foods are those that haven’t been exposed to pesticides. However, organic broccoli isn’t necessarily better than nonorganic. Different fruits and vegetables require different amounts of pesticides. Since the risk of exposure to pesticides is low with broccoli, it is generally safe to purchase nonorganic broccoli. (22)

A Last Word on Why You Should Include Broccoli in Your Diet

If you haven’t discovered this powerful food, you’re missing out on something good. Whether you’re looking to build your immunity, reduce your cancer risk, or improve digestion, broccoli can be a delicious addition your breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack.

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