Are you curious about what resources are available for someone with ADHD? The following is a list of organizations that provide background, statistics, and treatment information, and a glossary of common terms related to ADHD.

Learn More About ADHD

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) The CDC offers information on statistics, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of ADHD. Plus, parents can learn more about how to boost learning success among children with ADHD in the classroom. Child Mind Institute Dedicated to changing the lives of children with ADHD and related conditions, the Child Mind Institute offers care at two in-person locations, in New York City and San Francisco, as well as telehealth appointments for residents of New York, New Jersey, and California. Check out its Complete Guide to ADHD for parents. Mayo Clinic This top U.S. research and medical facility provides information about the signs, symptoms, and causes of ADHD. Mayo Clinic has information about ADHD subtypes and health conditions that can coexist with ADHD. National Institute of Mental Health This research organization offers insight on risk factors for ADHD, as well as different types of talk therapy for people with this mental health condition. Interested in participating in ADHD-related research? Learn more about joining a study.

Stay Up-to-Date on ADHD Advocacy, Education, and Research

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry This professional organization of psychiatrists houses an ADHD Resource Center on its website, as well as its Parents’ Medication Guide. Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA) Led by people living with the condition, this organization offers virtual ADHD support groups and a free ADHD Starter Kit to help adults living with ADHD understand and thrive with their diagnosis. Search ADDA’s directory for health professionals in your area who treat ADHD. Children and Adults With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) This organization advocates for state and federal policies that benefit people with ADHD. CHADD also offers resources for educators and parents of children with ADHD. Check out its ADHD Toolkit for caregivers and its Teacher Training and Video Series. Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA) Aiming to empower all people in the ADHD community, the LDA provides educational resources related to ADHD and advocates for local, state, and federal policies on behalf of people with this condition. Take a look at their public policy priorities, or see how you can participate in advocacy if you’re interested. American Professional Society of ADHD and Related Disorders (APSARD) This society of allied mental health experts aims to advance research that improves outcomes among people with ADHD. For information on the latest research, check out the APSARD blog, or register for the society’s annual conference.

Find a Mental Health Professional or Coach Specializing in ADHD

ADHD Coaches Organization This international nonprofit aims to serve as a resource of ADHD coaches for its membership and promote awareness of ADHD coaching to the public. Have a look at their search tool if you’d like to find a coach. American Psychiatric Association Find-a-Psychiatrist Tool This search tool allows you to identify psychiatrists in your area who specialize in ADHD and other mental health conditions. American Psychological Association Psychologist Locator If you’d like to see a psychologist in your area, the American Psychological Association offers a location-based directory of professionals in the United States. CHADD ADHD Centers Directory CHADD offers a directory of ADHD treatment centers across the United States. CHADD Professional Directory If you’re looking for a local health professional who specializes in ADHD, CHADD’s directory can help you find a professional in your area. Theravive This network of psychologists, therapists, and licensed and professional clinical counselors aims to make quality mental health care accessible, affordable, and safe for all. Find a local professional in the United States or Canada, or browse their directory of telehealth providers.

Join a Clinical Trial

CenterWatch This clinical trial search tool allows you to find studies currently enrolling participants according to medical condition, therapeutic area, treatment, and location. The National Institutes of Health operates this database of clinical studies. Its search tool can help you find studies in need of participants according to health condition, country of residence, and more.

ADD Abbreviation for “attention deficit disorder.” It was commonly used until 1987, when “hyperactivity” was added to the condition’s name in the third edition of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). This term is still used nonclinically, especially when the condition is characterized more by inattention than hyperactivity. ADHD Abbreviation for “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.” It’s the officially recognized diagnosis of the condition by the APA. According to the DSM, it’s a persistent condition that impairs functioning or development, and it is characterized by chronic inattention, hyperactivity, and often impulsivity. ADHD coaching People with ADHD work with a specialized coach to better understand the extent of their condition and how they can manage it by developing certain skills and strategies. Antidepressants A class of drugs that moderate chemicals in the brain that affect mood and behavior. Antidepressants are sometimes prescribed as part of ADHD treatment. Behavior therapy A type of ADHD treatment in which people are taught specific skills to help with their symptoms. For adults, the focus of behavior therapy is often on organizational tools, but therapy can also help them learn to manage inattention and procrastination. For children with ADHD, behavior therapy is often performed in the presence of a parent so that parents and children can together learn tools to manage behavior in a positive, consistent way. Behavior therapy is recommended as the first step in treating children under age 6 before medication is prescribed, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. Combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive A subtype of ADHD characterized by a combination of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattentiveness. Conduct disorder A condition characterized by behaviors such as lying, stealing, fighting, or bullying, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Executive function A range of mental processes that manage brain activities and allow us to get things done, such as setting and achieving goals. Hyperactivity A condition characterized by constant movement and excessive fidgeting and talking. In adult ADHD, this may take the form of exaggerated restlessness and an activity level that other people find tiring. Impulsivity A condition characterized by making important decisions and taking action without thought of potentially harmful or detrimental consequences. Individualized education plan (IEP) A plan for eligible students with learning disabilities that outlines educational goals and how to achieve them. Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) U.S. legislation requiring free appropriate public education (FAPE) for children with disabilities. Nonstimulant drugs Medication typically prescribed when stimulant drugs are not effective or not indicated in the treatment of ADHD, according to the Child Mind Institute. These drugs typically work by targeting levels of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine. Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) A condition characterized by hostile, uncooperative, or vindictive behavior toward authority figures. ADHD is a risk factor for ODD, say experts at Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore. Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive A subtype of ADHD characterized primarily by hyperactive and impulsive behavior, though some symptoms of inattentiveness may be evident. Predominantly inattentive A subtype of ADHD characterized primarily by inattentiveness, though some signs of hyperactivity and impulsiveness may be apparent. Stimulant drugs The most commonly prescribed type of medication for ADHD, these drugs stimulate the central nervous system, increasing the production and activity of the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine, say Cleveland Clinic experts.