After traveling by airplane, boat, car, train, foot, ferry, seaplane, kayak, and even “tuk-tuk” (aka rickshaw), I’ve gathered a number of tools and tips for preventing, reducing, and coping with travel-induced joint pain.

Prepare for Travel: Focus on Pain Prevention

A wise person once said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” With that in mind, I do everything I can to make sure my disease is under control possible before traveling. This includes:

General Rules of the Road When Traveling

When I’m actually traveling, I keep a pain toolkit handy and continually remind myself to conserve energy.

Keep a Pain Toolkit Close at All Times

I pack a “pain toolkit” of my favorite tried and tested pain reduction methods, including: compression gloves, topical creams, pain medications, joint support braces, heat and cold packs, compression socks, and more. For some, bringing a portable TENS unit (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) may also be necessary for daily pain relief. I make sure my pain toolbox is easily accessible throughout the entire trip. I usually put it in my lightweight travel backpack near my essential travel docs like my ID and license. Kat recommends bringing a “self-heating disposable heating pad” and disposable cold packs to reduce her back pain.

Conserve My Energy

This one frustrates me because I want to “do it all,” but I truly have to prioritize rest breaks. I tend to be overly optimistic and also want to pack a lot into a short period of time to “make the most of the trip.” However, if I rest, I not only prevent additional pain from overdoing it, I also am able to conserve my energy more efficiently so I can last the whole day. It helps me to plan out a general itinerary in advance, and to plan for about 75 to 80 percent of what I can do on a “good day.” This allows me to have some wiggle room in case I’m more fatigued than usual or jet-lagged. Jenn put it succinctly when she said she finds it helpful to “schedule and take time to rest,” and also “move around however you can, whenever you can.” Kat shared that she also packs a package of shower wipes so that she can “stay fresh even if too tired to shower.” Additionally, I use strategies that are specific to the method of travel, which you can find below. Some of my best tips are specific to the method of transport.

Joint-Friendly Driving

Car travel poses some unique challenges. Here are tips that have helped me:

Ergonomic hand position if you’re the driver: While many of us were taught to keep our hands at “10 and 2 o’clock,” it’s actually more ergonomic and comfortable to keep your hands lower on the wheel for many with arthritis, closer to a position of 8 and 4 o’clock.Use (extra) seat cushions for tailbone-pelvis and lumbar support.Use cruise control to help prevent foot pain.Take frequent rest breaks and stretch breaks.

Joint-Friendly Flying

Stay light: Choose lightweight luggage that’s easy to carry or pull. I find that suitcases with wide grips are especially helpful for sore hands.Hydrate: I use an electrolyte powder that I can add to water, which makes my pack much lighter than if I had to carry a 16-ounce electrolyte drink.Stand up once an hour and stretch out all your major joints (ankles, knees, hips, lower back, shoulders, wrists, and neck).Use mobility aids if available, such as an airport wheelchair, walker, cane, or travel assistance as provided by your local airport. For example, my local airport (SeaTac in Seattle) has an “Accessible Transport” department which has basic information and instructs you to contact your individual airline ahead of time to arrange for accessible transport from within the airport.Book your flight for the time that works best for your personal pain rhythms. For example, I tend to do better in the morning, but Kat says she “never takes the early flight” and does better when she is able to sleep-in prior to flying.

Joint-Friendly Travel Ground Rules — Once You’re There

Footwear: make sure to have the most supportive footwear you own in order to prevent and reduce foot pain — and to reduce risk of ankle sprain.Bring your assistive devices and mobility aids. This might include a cane, walker, or wheelchair.Delegate the heavy lifting to others when possible. (This is also true for activities like kayaking.)

How to Cope With Pain While Traveling

Most people who’ve traveled a lot learn to “expect the unexpected.” For better or worse, sometimes you do everything right and you still end up experiencing joint pain or a disease flare-up. In these moments of disappointment, I find it crucial to practice self-compassion and to focus on what I can do to cope in the moment. Instead of focusing on what I “should” have done in the past to prevent this flare-up, how can I offer myself compassion and support now? Sometimes this simply means taking 10 slow deep breaths and reminding myself that “this too shall pass” or “I can do hard things.”

Focus on the Benefits of Travel

As stressful as travel can be (especially during a worldwide pandemic), seeing new places and visiting friends around the globe continues to be a valued hobby for many living with chronic pain. I hope that these tips help you with your upcoming travels!