For starters, “there is very little scientific evidence that they work,” says Maureen George, PhD, RN, a medical adviser of the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) and a certified asthma educator whose research specialties include alternative and complementary medicine. And even though small studies have shown some clinical benefits of vitamins and minerals on asthma management, says Clifford Bassett, MD, founder and medical director of Allergy and Asthma Care of New York and a clinical assistant professor in the department of medicine at the NYU Langone Medical Center, the evidence is limited and, in some cases, even contradictory. At the same time, George adds, certain vitamins, herbs, and minerals appear to be safe — and even helpful for some people with asthma. “I allow patients to use what they’d like as long as they take it along with their prescribed medications,” she says. Here are eight dietary supplements that may help alleviate asthma symptoms — and what research and experts say about making them part of your asthma management plan: Antioxidants: A June 2013 study published in Wiener klinische Wochenschrift - The Central European Journal of Medicine found that antioxidants, including vitamins A and E, could have a beneficial impact on children with asthma. The best way to get a wide variety is by eating colorful fresh fruits and vegetables, says Kyrena Robinson, PhD, a nutritionist in Washington, D.C. Omega-3s (fish oil): Fish oil likely has protective effects against inflammatory diseases like asthma, according to a January 2015 research review in Allergology International. Omega-3 fatty acids, typically found in fatty fish, have been shown to reduce inflammation — one of the hallmarks of asthma, Robinson says. Choline: A small study published in the August 2014 issue of Free Radical Biology & Medicine found that when combined with vitamin C and selenium, a nasal spray of choline helped treat allergic airway disease in mice. Though studies done on people are still needed, taking choline, a B vitamin, may reduce the severity and frequency of asthma attacks, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. High doses (3 grams a day for adults) may be most effective, but you shouldn’t take them without talking to your doctor first. Magnesium: Since people with asthma can have low levels of magnesium, giving them a breathable, spray form of magnesium can open up the bronchial tubes and improve airflow if they’re having a severe attack, according to a June 2016 study published in Drug Design, Development and Therapy. However, more research is needed to learn whether oral supplements can play a role in day-to-day asthma management. “Oral magnesium supplements won’t hurt, as long as you don’t take excessively toxic doses,” George says. Talk to your healthcare provider to determine a safe amount for you. Pycnogenol: Extracted from the bark of the French pine tree, this herbal remedy has some potential to reduce inflammation and could be a possible asthma treatment, according to a small lab study in the December 2013 issue of Food and Chemical Toxicology. Again, though: There’s little scientific evidence of its effectiveness, George says. Thymol: This extract of thyme was shown to reduce inflammation in the airways of mice with induced allergic asthma, according to a July 2014 study in Fitoterapia. For her part, George doesn’t “see anything dangerous about the extract.” Black seed: The seeds of the black cumin plant have been used for centuries in cooking, but they may also have anti-inflammatory properties. Although there’s no strong evidence for its use and more research is needed, George says, one January 2016 study published in Planta Medica found that black seed could have anti-inflammatory effects on the lungs. Caffeine: It appears that caffeine may help improve airway function, says Dr. Bassett. More research is needed, but it may contain compounds that help slow the inflammatory process that can lead to asthma attacks, according to a November 2015 study in Pharmacology & Therapeutics. But since you may need to drink as many as three cups of coffee a day to experience the benefits, you should talk to your doctor before trying it, says Asthma Australia. “It’s not something you should safely rely on when you’re having an asthma attack to open your airways,” George warns. Keep in mind that dietary supplements and herbal remedies aren’t regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. If you decide to buy them, proceed with caution, George says. Shopping at a reputable vitamin or health food store might help, but even that doesn’t protect you against contaminants, differences in strengths of dosages, and other factors. Work with your healthcare provider to determine if dietary supplements might help you, and where you should shop for them.