Because when it comes to keeping your heart healthy, every little bit counts. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Plus, nearly one-half of all Americans have at least one risk factor for the condition, including obesity, a poor diet, and not being physically active. Luckily, says Sherry Pagoto, PhD, a psychologist and professor in the department of allied health sciences at the University of Connecticut in Storrs, summer goes hand in hand with healthy habits that can improve your health (and your diet, and your waistline). So long, TV and popcorn! Now’s the time to dust off your bike and cycle to the farmers market. Here are seven ways to shore up your daily routine — whether it’s a change to your workout schedule here, or a new food to try there — plus, how they’ll improve your heart health.

1. Trade TV Time for the Great Outdoors

If you’re like most people, you’ve been in hibernation mode all winter — so take advantage of the extra hours of daylight by spending more time in nature. “Getting outside and doing anything — shooting hoops in the driveway, chatting on the patio — will help you break out of the indoor routine that’s become ingrained over the last few months,” says Dr. Pagoto. And you don’t have to go for a 20-minute jog to reap the benefits — just being outdoors can lower your stress levels (which, in turn, might help your heart). In fact, according to a research review published in May 2018 in the journal Health and Place, simply spending time in nature is enough to help decrease your heart rate and blood pressure levels. “Whatever you can do to stop being a slave to your screens is a step in the right direction,” she says.

2. Take the Plunge and Sign Up for a 5K

You already know that aerobic exercise is good for your heart — which is one reason why the American Heart Association (AHA) tells people to log at least 150 minutes of it each week. To stay consistent, choose a goal that you want to meet — for example, running a 5K. If you’re hesitant to sign up for a race on your own, Pagoto suggests putting a callout on Facebook to see who’s up to tackle the challenge with you. Or be even more sly about it: “Talk to a few friends who will agree to do anything,” she says. After all, running a 5K is good for their heart health, too.

3. Start Biking to Work

One easy way to avoid a traffic jam? Cruise to work on your bike. It’s also a boon for your heart health. According to research published in the April 2017 issue of The BMJ, people who biked to work slashed their heart disease risk nearly in half. If you live too far away to bike to your job (or there are no bike lanes where you live), try to cycle to other routine places around town instead.

4. Shop at Your Local Farmers Market

Take advantage of the rows of farm-to-table fruits and veggies by doing your grocery shopping at the local farmers market. Eating a high-produce, healthy diet may reduce your risk of heart disease, while also helping to ward off obesity and type 2 diabetes, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Plus, you’ll benefit from the social connection: According to the Farmers Market Coalition, 55 percent of shoppers felt that the market increased their connection to their community — and strong relationships and a sense of belonging are linked to a lower risk of mortality from any cause, says research published in September 2017 in the journal American Psychologist.

5. Grill out — Safely

Everything seems to taste better if it’s cooked on the grill. But don’t go overboard with the hamburgers and hotdogs. Research presented at the AHA’s 2018 Epidemiology and Lifestyle conference cautioned that people who regularly grill meats (including red meat, fish, and chicken) over high heat may have a 17 percent increased risk of high blood pressure. Charring meats creates potentially heart-harmful compounds, including heterocyclic amines, that lead to oxidative stress, according to a release from the AHA. That doesn’t mean you should stick to indoor cooking, however — just be sure to include plenty of heart-healthy vegetables in your meals. Veggies are chock-full of dietary fiber, which can help lower your cholesterol and blood sugar levels, which, in turn, can reduce your risk of heart disease. Pagoto suggests making a small pivot to plant-based grilling; for example, opting for a Portobello burger instead of a beef one, or marinated, grilled veggie sandwiches instead of hot dogs. Just don’t go overboard with the salt shaker: Too much sodium can increase your blood pressure, which can tax your heart health.

6. Have an Indoor Plan

If you’ve resolved to take more outdoor runs or walks, that’s a good thing. But there’s one caveat: Don’t let a rainy day keep you from being active. Research shows that an increase in sedentary behavior can increase your risk of heart disease, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. “You always want to have an indoor routine in your back pocket,” says Pagoto. “I see people who have a great outdoor plan, but aren’t hitting five days a week of exercise because the weather isn’t always reliable.” The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans states that adults should aim to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity, preferably throughout the week, and muscle-strengthening exercises at least two days a week. The lesson? Make a backup plan (for a quick indoor circuit, we like the 7-Minute Workout) just in case it’s too cool, rainy, or hot to go outdoors.

7. Add on Yardwork

Physical activity is more than hopping on a treadmill or lifting free weights — every bit counts. That includes mowing the yard, planting flowers, or tending your garden. In fact, people who reap the highest amounts of “non-exercise physical activity” — time spent being “active” but not exercising — are about 27 percent less likely to have a heart attack or stroke compared with those who get the least amounts, according to a study published in February 2014 in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. However, that doesn’t mean you should do outdoor yard activities certain days in lieu of your regular exercise. “What keeps habits going and ensures they stick around long-term is the repetition,” Pagoto says. “When you interrupt them for whatever reason, it makes it difficult to get back into it.” So keep up your exercise routine, but add on the yardwork. “It may take a bit longer to get your garden going, but it’ll be worth it when it comes to motivation to stay active all summer,” she says.