Start out slowly when incorporating new foods into your diet to make sure the ingredients don’t cause symptoms for you. A smaller portion of dessert, eaten when you’re not already having symptoms, may be better tolerated. Here’s our roundup of delicious IBD-friendly summer treats.

1. Coconut Oil Chocolate Candies

“When you have IBD, it’s important to maintain the joy and pleasure of food by focusing on what you can eat,” says Barbara Olendzki, RD, MPH, the director of the center for applied nutrition at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester. “An IBD-friendly diet is flavorful and includes many wonderful options, like raw honey, yogurt, herbs, and spices.” For many people with IBD, commercial chocolate can be difficult to eat because it’s sweetened with refined cane sugar, but you can enjoy chocolate made with cocoa powder and raw honey, as long as the honey doesn’t trigger symptoms. This coconut oil chocolate candy recipe uses those ingredients to create small, melt-in-your-mouth chocolates. Ingredients

½ cup coconut oil¼ cup cocoa powder2 tbsp organic raw honey — local is best, adjust the amount according to taste1 tsp pure vanilla extract (optional)

For the full recipe, visit the Center for Applied Nutrition.

2. Banana Coconut Ice Cream

Did you know that you can still enjoy ice cream when you have IBD? A few simple tweaks can help you avoid the digestive upset that can be triggered by traditional dairy-based ice cream. This banana coconut ice cream recipe is especially nice if you’re looking for a fun alternative to vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry flavors. Ingredients

2 cups unsweetened coconut milk2 very ripe bananas½ cup honey — local is best2 eggs1 cup plain low-fat or nonfat yogurt (optional)½ cup toasted pecans or walnuts (optional)

For the full recipe details, visit the Center for Applied Nutrition. And note: When a recipe calls for raw eggs, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends using pasteurized eggs to reduce your risk of foodborne illness.

3. Lemon Meringue Smoothie

Sharon Rosenrauch — aka the FODMAP Friendly Vegan — has degrees in psychology, nutrition, and fitness. Because of her own struggles with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), she has a passion for promoting a holistic view of optimal digestive health. She’s motivated to help relieve the suffering of those with digestive issues. When asked how people who have certain food restrictions can stay positive about food, Rosenrauch reminds us all to be kind to ourselves. “Don’t view food as the enemy and something that can potentially make you feel ill,” she says. “Associate food with energy — it’s the fuel that drives life.” FODMAP stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols, which are carbohydrates and alcohols that are poorly absorbed in the body. Some people with IBD find that the FODMAP diet helps them control disease symptoms. Lemons are a great low-FODMAP digestive aid. Check out this easy-to-make lemon meringue smoothie. The creaminess of the coconut and sweetness of the ripe banana help balance out the lemon’s acidity. Ingredients

½ cup coconut water1½ cups plant-based milk (a creamy one, like macadamia or coconut, if you can tolerate it)¼ cup macadamia nuts (soaked in filtered water)1 banana1 tsp vanilla (powder or extract)Juice from 2 large lemons

For the full recipe details, visit the FODMAP-Friendly Vegan Facebook page.

4. Frozen Yogurt Bites

Yogurt can be a great option for people with ulcerative colitis. It’s rich in calcium and protein and when frozen makes a cold, tasty treat. This recipe calls for Greek yogurt, but you can choose a different type if you like. If you’re lactose intolerant or if lactose triggers your UC symptoms, make sure to opt for a dairy-free variety. The fruit used in this recipe is also optional — if you have trouble digesting strawberries or raspberries, simply swap them out for raw honey or jam or other fruits you can tolerate better. Ingredients

½ cup blueberries1 small can crushed pineapple1 container of vanilla Greek yogurt½ cup granola½ cup raspberries½ cup sliced strawberries

For the full recipe details, visit

5. Frozen Fruit Sorbet

Bananas are the chief ingredient in this fruit sorbet, and they’re generally well tolerated by people living with ulcerative colitis. Berries are trigger foods for some people, and if you’re one of them, swap them out for other fruits like mango or pineapple to tailor this summer treat to your tastes. Ingredients

2 medium bananas1 cup sliced strawberries2 tbsp water1 tbsp fresh lemon juiceOptional garnish: whole strawberries

For the full recipe details, visit the Center for Applied Nutrition. Additional reporting by Ashley Welch.