Most of us probably don’t know why we give a little shudder when we see Friday the 13th looming on the calendar or why we say “bless you” when someone sneezes. But these and other common superstitions typically have a colorful history that dates back centuries.And while some superstitions may be just for fun, others might affect you enough to influence the choices you make.None, though, is based in fact, though many have deep roots in a culture’s tradition and history… When the Black Plague hit Europe in 1665, the pope required everyone to be blessed when they sneezed. He believed that a sneeze was a sign the person would likely die soon. The blessing was usually followed up by making the sign of the cross, for good measure. Common superstitions still have a place today. After all, you never know when a simple action to counteract bad luck will make you and those around you a little bit luckier.